Category "salt"

DIY Finishing Salt (Maldon, Fleur de Sel)

I've found links here and here on making finishing salts, but this isn't the kind I'm talking about. These are just mixtures of salt and some flavoring. I'm r

Does salt interfere with the yeast in the dough swelling process?

I was told by a friend that, when making pizza dough, I should add the salt at a later stage than the yeast, because it might disturbe the yeast from doing its

Why would heating salt in a pan prevent food from sticking?

Quote from Preventing food from sticking - Rub a pancake griddle with a small bag of salt to prevent sticking and smoking. Sprinkle a litt

Is there a method for desalinating bacon?

Bacon contains a rather large amount of salt which can pose problems for people who are trying to find ways to reduce salt in their diet. Is there some method

Why do so many dessert/biscuit recipes have salt in them?

Whilst I can understand salt in the majority of recipes, I never really understood why it is in so many desserts or biscuits. When I have asked a few friends o

What is a "moist" salt?

I have been looking into buying some gourmet salt, and several of them are described as being "moist salt". What does that mean?

How to make a non-salty cheesecake?

There are lots of American cheese cake recipes which call for cream cheese. And I don't know about cream cheese in the USA, but in Europe, cream cheese is salte

Pink salt vs regular salt

What is the difference between pink salt and more typical coarse salt (e.g. sea salt)? I know it is pink due to mineral deposits, but culinarily is it any diff

To slow down the fermentation process of a food in a can

I am particularly interested in the histamine's creation in a can because I need to deal with allergies. Possible Factors to me which affects to histamine's cre

Is there any advantage to adding salt to onion while frying?

Is there any advantage to adding salt to onion while frying itself rather than adding it the last? My friends say it removes moisture from onion. Is it true? W

How to make chicken absorb more salt when cooking a soup?

This is a really important question for me, it can actually make the difference between me recovering from a chronic illness or not. Basically I have been co

What is the relationship between salt and iodine?

I have seen and read some comments from the post: What is the difference between sea salt and regular table salt? My questions are. Does Rock or Natural salt

de-parasiting mackerel for sushi

We've bought some fresh sushi-grade mackerel, and would like to make saba sushi from it. We were told that we should treat it with vinegar to kill any parasites

Why are salt and pepper the "classic" dinner table seasoning?

Is there a reason we use salt and pepper on so many dishes and they can be found in any kitchen table at dinner time? Does it have to do with their flavor syner

How do I make the chicken absorb more salt by freezing it?

I previously asked How to make chicken absorb more salt when cooking a soup? on how to make the chicken in my soup absorb more salt water, as I have noticed tha

Why is it important to add salt during cooking?

This may seem like a silly question, but given that each persons' tastes are different why is it that salt is added during cooking? It seems better to just all

Why is my brining giving varied and usually poor results?

I am trying to brine a chicken and then cook it in a soup. I just can't seem to do it properly and have noticed varying results for reasons I cannot figure out.

In what way is kosher chicken different from brined chicken in terms of salt absorbtion?

Ideally I want all parts of my chicken to absorb a good amount of salt. I think brining is best but somebody has suggested kosher chicken. How is kosher salted

How can I substitute Tender Quick® for pink salt + kosher salt?

I have a recipe for pastrami that calls for 1 T of pink salt + 3/4 cup of kosher salt. I don't have access to pink salt or saltpeter, but I do have Morton®

How to counteract excessive saltiness in dried fish?

My wife comes from a culture where preparation and eating of dried fish is very common (as long as one takes the proper measures to deal with the smell). She p