Category "waffle"

Is there a formula for converting pancake batter to waffle batter?

I have a wonderful pancake recipe that I would like to convert into a waffle recipe. Is there a generally accepted formula for doing this? Based on other reci

What's wrong with my technique in this Belgian Liège Waffle recipe?

I've been using this awesome recipe to make Belgian Liège waffles, but my results are never consistent. Could you guys help me reverse engineer the recip

Can you freeze waffle batter?

We have made too much waffle batter. The recipe includes flour, baking powder, salt, eggs and milk (no fat), and part of the instructions are to beat the eggs u

What materials would work for a waffle iron?

I'm somewhat curious if I could make myself something like this (though without the retro enclosure, at least initally): While cast iron would probably be th

Do you season a cast iron waffle pan before using?

I just bought a cast iron waffle pan. I've seen conflicting advice about whether it should be seasoned. I have several old cast iron pans and my instinct would

How can I keep my waffle iron relatively clean when making waffles?

I do not make waffles overly frequently, but when I do I tend to make a mess of my waffle iron. I use a ladle to place waffle batter in the middle of my waffle

Is there a way to keep chocolate chips from melting in chocolate-chip waffles?

My memory might be playing tricks on me, but I swear I've had chocolate chip waffles (or maybe pancakes) where the chocolate chips were still somewhat hard - in

Waffle iron with changeable plates for butter galettes

I'm looking for a recommendation for a waffle iron with interchangeable plates for butter galettes. I have one but it's over 30 years old, falling apart and ru

Adapting waffle recipe into mix

Assume I have a decent waffle recipe that I like. Assume it has nothing particularly unusual for waffles -- this means it has liquid ingredients such as milk or

Coating to make waffle cones withstand hot liquid?

I'd like to use a waffle cone, like used for ice cream, to hold hot liquids. I assume without modification, the liquid would soften the cone and break through.

How to evenly spread butter in each square of a waffle?

We made large Belgian-style waffles tonight and I found it incredibly difficult to evenly spread the butter in each square. In fact, it was so time consuming, b

Why would I want to use the creaming method in waffles?

All good chemical leavened waffle recipes I have had (the ones from New best recipe, Bittman, etc.) instruct me to melt solid fats before adding them to the waf

Looking for a way to make a cone shaped cookie

I am trying to find a way to make a cross between waffle cone and fairy gingerbread. You might call it gingerbread flavored Krumkake or Pizelle. And if possib

Problems with my technique in making a Belgian Liege Waffle

I have been following a very nice recipe to the dot. However, I encounter some problems. My final texture is more similar to a bread than a waffle. Is this bec

Fix my waffle recipe

The other day, I made waffles for the first time in a long, long time. I had no recipe to use, so I found one online, and used it almost verbatim. When fresh, t

refrigerating cooked waffles

I have a gluten free recipe to make waffles: 2 cups gluten-free all-purpose (plain) flour 2 tbsp sugar 2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda (bicarbonate of

Help! Liege Waffle excessively dense

I made liege waffles today and got a very dense crumb. I'm not sure if my waffle iron is not hot enough since it's a old model that only plugs in, no heat contr

Why does waffle dough get dark?

Always when I make waffles or pancakes the dough of it gets dark after a few hours. It looks like having black sprinkles. Why is that and how long can I still

Can I heat frozen waffles in the oven without a baking sheet?

Where I live I currently don't have a toaster, baking sheet, pan, or really anything that I could use as a container in the oven. I'm starving and I'd like to

Refinishing Griswold No. 8 waffle iron handles

I'm in the process of restoring a badly neglected Griswold No. 8 waffle iron (885 886 if it makes any difference). I've got all of the cast iron parts stripped