Category "plums"

mysterious green middle eastern plums

I was on a trip to the middle east a year or so ago around mid spring. I was offered what looked like a green plum. The taste was very sour and hard (not sof

Simple things to do with very tart plums? [closed]

We got a bag of purple plums from our CSA that have a great flavor and seem ripe, but that are very tart. I'm the only person in the family wh

roast duck leg with plum sauce

I'm thinking of roasting some duck legs on a bed of plums, much like the recipe here does with breast. However, it suggests simply blending the bed of plums onc

Plum preserving/storage method that tastes like plums, not prunes (I just picked 30 lbs)

I just did some neighborhood foraging and picked 30 pounds of red plums. They are delicious, but even I will have trouble eating them all this week. Last year

What could cause a sudden loss of sour flavor?

Background During the weekend, my mother made a plum cake and put slices of plum on top. She gave me a piece to try and it was sweet and good for ~1.5 seconds

Sweet plums going tart as I chew

I have noticed that when I eat a plum that at least near the skin layer my sweet receptors are first activated by the plum juice and flesh but the more I chew i

How much citric acid powder to use when preparing fruit for drying

I am preparing prune plums for drying and want to keep them from discoloring.

Simple way to pit plums

I have a large amount of small plums, and have spent hours pitting enough to make a crumble. I cut them in half and squeezed the pit out. Is there an easy way t

Can I make jam out of bottled plums?

I have 4 large jars of plums (Santa Rosa), which I bottled. The instructions said sugar would not be needed, however, they are so sour they are awful!!! What c

White efflorescence on home-dried prunes

After a year or so of storage in ZipLoc bags in the fridge, my home-dried prunes have developed a bit of whitish crust. At first I thought it was mold, but it s