Category "focaccia"

Can I freeze my selfmade focaccia?

In my family I am well known for baking a great focaccia bread, but soon I won't be able to bake for some time, so my idea was to bake a big batch and put it in

Substitute baking powder for yeast in a focaccia?

I was going to make a focaccia-like dish, but found that I don't have any yeast. Can I substitute it with baking powder? How?

How to put stuff inside baked sandwich and bread?

I would like to cook some rolls or bread with the condiments already inside. The condiments that I like range include tomatoes, olives, sliced ham, and bacon. N

How can I "cheat" on dough maturation?

I found a good balance between leavening and maturation while using my favourite flour, my oven and my sourdough starter, the only problem is that the whole pro

Countering the oven spring, on purpose

In Maggie Gleer's Artisanal Baking, there is a recipe for a focaccia-style rosemary bread (ACME's herb slab). The dough is fortified with oil, and spends a lon

Why do we dimple a focaccia?

When I was making a focaccia earlier today, I realised that I've never been told why we dimple them before baking. A quick Googling didn't reveal anything, so I

Glazing bread pre-baking

I was at a restaurant for brunch this past weekend and had a pastry basket that included, among other things, a dried fruit focaccia. It was much lighter than a

Making Bread From Pizza Dough

My kitchen and I started to mess around and make loafs of bread from our pizza dough. Last night I loaded up a hotel pan with dough, and baked it for a little o

Turning focaccia upside down before topping

In this video (you don't need to understand Italian ;) this lady lets a focaccia leaven in its own baking tin on a layer of olive oil and then, before topping,

Lack of structure in a no-knead pizza

I hope this question is not too vague but let me try anyway. I followed a NK recipe for a pizza with the following baker's percentages 100% flour with 13% prot

Focaccia dough perhaps not able to get at room temp before baking

The classical Focaccia Genovese proofs three times. First in bulk (right after partition if making more than one) Then flattened and topped with coarse salt in