Category "thickening"

Alternative to arrowroot

I have a lovely recipe (for stir-fried tofu) that uses arrowroot as its thickener. This is easy to use, and adds a nice subtle flavour of its own to the dish. H

How to make my chicken noodle soup thicker?

Online chicken noodle soup recipes contain mostly the same things - chicken, noodles, stock, vegetables - and for the most part taste the same. However, they t

What's a good cornstarch/flour to broth ratio for a chicken-broth gravy?

I have found that chicken broth or stock does not thicken as easily as beef broth or stock will. I often find myself adding too much flour or cornstarch, hoping

What to do when curdling occurs? [closed]

Are there any methods available to "fix" a sauce that has curdled? Or, if I can't fix the curdling, is there any way to still use the sauce?

Why would I use Arrowroot instead of Cornstarch?

I've heard that arrowroot can be used just like cornstarch as a thickening agent. If I have both ingredients on hand, under what circumstances would I choose o

How to thicken Thai curry

I made some Thai red curry a few days ago. It turned out pretty well. The only problem is that it was fairly runny. I thickened it up with a slurry which helped

How do I make homemade Salsa thicker?

I have been playing with homemade salsa for a few weeks now and I can't seem to figure out how to get that thicker tomato texture that a lot of southern Mexican

Flavourless Carb Free Thickeners

Can you suggest any Carb Free thickeners that don't affect the flavour of soups/casseroles?

What are the Standard Terms Used to Describe Liquid Viscosity in Cooking?

When describing the thickness of a sauce or other liquid when cooking, what are the standard terms that should be used? I've heard things like "gravy-like" or

Gluten-free alternatives to beurre manie/roux for thickening sauce?

I'd like to thicken the sauce for my Thanksgiving turkey a bit, without making it inedible for my gluten-intolerant guests. From other questions on this site, I

What can I do to thicken the mixture in a meat "cup?"

I've got a pound of ground beef in the refrigerator that I need to use by tonight, and have been eating pasta and hamburgers in unusual abundance lately so my u

How can I make my pumpkin pie thicker?

My preferred recipe for pumpkin pie uses (approximately, to avoid going into recipe details) a pound of pumpkin, sugar (I use brown), an egg, a cup and a half (

Is there a product available that is pre-gelatinized starch and what product name is it sold with?

I am trying to make packets of instant pudding that do not need heating, in order to thicken the mix to form a cold dessert. Some sanity has to be found in my k

What is the proper way to use corn starch to thicken sauces?

How do you mix corn starch slurry and how do you use it? Do you add the corn starch to the water, or do you add water to the corn starch? Generally what propor

How to substitute flour with nutritional yeast

I am planning on making a pretty standard (read: whichever pops up first in Google) recipe for Broccoli Cheddar soup; i.e. brocolli, cheddar, chicken stock, and

How to get a thicker soup from watery tomatoes?

I want to make a tomato soup, but my girlfriend tells me that, from the tomato we have, the soup will be too watery. Now I've read that one could use tomato pas

Can I use guar and gelatine together?

I am baking a fancy cake recipe for the first time, and have trouble with it. Basically, the cake has three layers. The first one is a flourless bisquit. Then

Can you help me get my cream pie filling stiff enough?

Everytime I make a pie, I get a different result as far as the stiffness of the pie. I am trying to perfect coconut cream pie (and other cream pies). I have

How to thicken a Yoghurt based cold sauce?

I have a yoghurt-based sauce, e.g. yoghurt with garlic, pepper and salt, and I want to thicken it. Basically I don't want to change the taste, although minor ch

What kind of cooling garnish is like ice cream but doesn't melt?

In a related question, I asked about plating with bread for sampling chili. Here I need to find a cooling, as in take the heat off the capsaicin with fats, garn