Category "thickening"

When to use a roux or a beurre manié

What difference does it make to use a roux or a beurre manié ? Are there any rules about their usage, or are they both interchangeable?

Why do sauces thicken as they cool?

Why do sauces thicken as they cool? This happens for things like puddings, white sauces, jello, and gravy. I looked around a little and maybe the reason is dif

How can I make my Hot chocolate thicker?

I've been trying to make a thicker hot chocolate and I'm not sure what to add without taking away from the flavor of the chocolate. Usually what I do is boil th

Why doesn't my Lemon Posset thicken? What am I most likely doing wrong?

I've have once succesfully made this Gordon Ramsay's Lemon Posset, but on the last two tries attempts I've not managed to thicken it. After it has bubbled and

What are the (most common) different ways to thicken sauces and gravies?

I know of a few ways to thicken sauces and the like: Egg (protein) Flour (protein / starch) Starch (cornstarch etc) Reduction (reducing watery component) Are t

How do different types of thickener actually thicken?

What I'm asking is not chemically how they do it, but rather how do each practically thicken. For example: Thickening with wheat flour is thickened when at bo

Can I use flour to make a carrot soup more thick?

I made a carrot soup without the use of a blender as described in previous question link. Which was to chop the carrots and onions really small. The problem is

How can I thicken tea?

I tried thickening mint tea with cornstarch. I was hoping for something with a more thick mouth-feel. I got the consistency I was looking for, but the cornsta

What should be the tooth of banana pudding pie?

Last night I made a vegan banana pudding pie for Pi Day, and despite the quality of the pie as a pie, I was left wondering if I had gotten the pudding texture r

Can I use tapioca pearls for thickening?

A friend of mine went shopping in an Asian market. I asked them to bring me tapioca starch. They brought me a package of small tapioca pearls. Is there any wa

Which thickeners work well with dairy?

I know from experience that arrowroot doesn't work very well, so I'm curious to know which ones actually do. Thanks a lot for any help!

What are some vegan thickeners for beverages?

I need a vegan thickener that dissolves well and doesn't have any flavor. I tried tapioca flour the other day and it didn't dissolve very well and left a powder

Are there alternatives to okra as a thickening agent?

I had a go at making a gumbo last week, and it went really well. The only problem was that the okra proved to be fairly difficult to source (after several super

How do I make my sorbet thicker?

I made lemon sorbet and have already churned it but the consistency is too runny. I churned it a minimal amount using a food processor (I've done it this way be

What temperature should milk be when adding to roux? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Right way to defrost roux I've always heard that it's best to add roux to liquids that are at or near a boil, howe

gooseberry "turnover" filling very thick

We got a lot of gooseberries from the garden, so I decided to make some gooseberry turnovers. I found a simple recipe online: puree the berries, add bread-crumb

Why is my pastry cream (custard) grainy?

I made a simple pastry cream from a recipe that I've used once before uneventfully, and this time it turned out with a grainy texture. The procedure was basica

How to thicken a white wine sauce to drizzle over prawns?

I'm thinking of making a white wine sauce which will consist of White wine chopped garlic squeeze of lemon (maybe) mixed herbs. What I have in mind is somethi

How can I thicken this cranberry-pepper jelly?

In my first attempt at making jelly, I seem to have veered off course. I'm following this recipe for Cranberry-Pepper Jelly: Ingredients 3 red bell pe

How can I thicken whipping cream?

I used to live in Britain and I'm familiar with using Double Cream (48%+ fat) in all my recipes. However I moved to Canada a year ago and double cream doesn't s