Category "seasoning"

How do I make a really flavorful turkey burger?

Since turkey burgers don't have a lot of fat, you lose a lot of the flavor that you get with beef. Also, you have to make sure you cook them through (170 degre

Should meat be seasoned before or after cooking?

When should meat be seasoned? I heard that salting meat prior to cooking draws out the moisture but I have noticed that a number of chefs season their meat pri

How can I add a strong orange flavor to my dishes?

I love the taste of oranges, and I'm looking for ways to introduce that flavor into some of my cooking. I've tried adding orange juice and pieces of orange whe

Is there a secret to flavouring with herbs

I am a strictly amateur cook. Most of my output is OK, certainly edible, but I seem to lack the ability to impart flavour through herbs. I can throw in an ino

Ways to learn to season food correctly?

What is a good way of learning how to season food correctly? Are there some foods which are particularly bland until seasoned correctly that can be used to 'ed

What spices are used to make a mexican fajita seasoning?

I'm trying to make my own homemade fajitas, for both vegetarian and non vegetarian tasters. I know they have grocery store pre-mixed fajita seasoning, but I'd

How can I cook more flavorful Chicken through and through?

When I cook chicken, the flavor seems to be concentrated in the skin. But when I get a rotisserie chicken from Costco, it seems to be very flavorful through an

Are MSG and Accent (Seasoning) the same thing?

Can the seasoning Accent be substituted for MSG, for example in General Tso's Chicken?

How do you season/prepare a wood plank for Plank Grilling?

I wanted to Plank Grill a Salmon, after hearing about how much Jarrod enjoyed it: Besides salmon, what other meats can be grilled on a cedar plank? How do I

What seasonings give ranch dressing its distinctive flavor?

I've always wondered this. Is there a collective set of seasonings that equal "ranch"?

Is there any truth to the idea that you shouldn't multiply seasonings when multiplying a recipe?

I often hear cooks discuss that idea that if you are multiplying, say, a recipe for 4 to be a for 32, that you shouldn't multiply some herbs, spices, or salt. I

Help with ground beef seasoning: flavors are weak

So I routinely serve up very simple style burritos in my apartment (beef, sour cream, cheese and white flour tortillas), and I've grown well past the days of us

Do I need to season a stainless steel saute pan?

Okay, I received a nice stainless steel saute pan for Christmas and in looking around online there are people that say I need to season it. Most of the techniqu

"Post-marinating"? Is it a real term or do my taste buds deceive me?

Two nights ago I cooked some chicken on my George Foreman grill, just plain (a bit of non-stick spray but that's it). Then I chopped it up and put it in rice an

How to taste hamburgers for seasoning?

How would I make sure that my hamburgers (or any food unsuitable raw) tastes good? With other foods, it is possible to adjust the spice proportions according to

What are some seasonings that can spice up a bland frozen chicken alfredo? [closed]

Tonight, the main course is: Red Baron's Chicken Alfredo. The problem is that it's a little bland so I'm trying to figure out what the best s

Is there a difference between seasoning and flavouring?

I find the meaning of the word 'seasoning' slightly elusive. Before I started to take cooking seriously, I'd have said that any herb or spice used in cooking co

Making stovetop potroasts

I just made a pot roast on the stove, vaguely following this recipe. My altered ingredients list would look something like this: some quick sprays of oil on t

Seasoning steamed vegetables (in particular potatoes): advisable?

We're going through a healthy-eating phase at the moment, and this includes eating a fair few steamed vegetables. Unfortunately I find steamed vegetables (espec

'Phorons' for Dahls

I love dahl. In India (where my folks were from) there are an almost infinite set of combinations of dahls and corresponding phorons* (spice-seasoned anointing