Category "mass-cooking"

Cookware and methods for large quantities of rice

On my next Catering job, I was asked to cook a large amount of rice. I will probably use about 15 to 20 cups of Basmatti or Risotto rice. For the Basmati, my

What technique should I use to make latkes for a party so that I don't have to stay in the kitchen?

What usually happens is that I fry up fresh latkes during a party and I end up in the kitchen for the majority of the party. Is there a way for me to precook t

How do I plan a meal without a stove or oven? [closed]

I have to cook a meal for my whole office (around 18 people); it's sort of a thing where everyone has to cook a meal at some point. I would b

How can I increase the amount of gravy I can make from one roast?

Making gravy per usual is a by-product of roasting or pan-frying something. At that point, you take whatever jus you have in the dish and that essentially dete

How to cook rice for 60 people

I have to cook for 60 people, and one of the things I am going to make is (japanese) rice. Normally I cook it in a rice cooker, or in a pan with an amount of wa

Citric acid for hard-boiled eggs?

I recently ordered some dish from a local food delivery company. The dish, among other ingredients, contained hard-boiled eggs. The ingredient list read the fol

What size disher makes "1 inch balls of dough?"

I am making cookies in bulk. The problem is, every version of the recipe I am making uses the measurement "one inch balls". Given the number of cookies I am mak

Fastest way to peel 2 dozen bananas?

The bananas do not need to stay whole. Halves and quarters are fine Surely kitchen professionals have come up with a way (Note: apparently, banana peels are e

Do different "regions" really have a "general common taste"?

I have now numerous times heard things such as: In the final step, the factory adds custom spices for the specific region for which this batch of hotdogs are s