Category "pork-shoulder"

Smoking pig butt: how to resume?

I set out this morning to cook a pig butt. Found out that I was going too a birthday party at such a time that the butt would smoke for six hours and then I wou

Cooking slow-roasted pork to 190F?

I got a recipe from America's Test Kitchen for "slow-roasted pork" using a bone-in pork shoulder. They say to cook it at 325F until it's 190F internal temperat

Cutting marbled pork without it falling apart

I have a pork butt that is seared quickly then simmered on the stove in marinade for hours. I like to choose very marbled pork because it's just so much juicier

Will a pork shoulder be dry after 16 hours at 110C

I'm intending to do the following recipe with an 8lb (3.6kg) bone in shoulder (Essentially 30mins @230C/450F, 16hours @ 110C/230F, 45mins@230C/450F). I'm conc

How long is the longest I can slow cook pork shoulder?

Everyone seems to say "low and slow" for pork shoulder. 225f or 250f for 8 or more hours. What is the longest / lowest you can do? (without big risk of illnes

Slow cook pork shoulder without it falling apart

I have a 2Kg pork shoulder which I would like to cook in a slow cooker (first time user of a slow cooker) so it tenderizes but I also would like it to be able t

How long can i cook a bone in Pork Shoulder?

I have cooked bone in pork shoulder many times before and I am about to do it again but I feel the need to experiment slightly... My plan is to cook the pork sh

Kassler vs Pork Shoulder vs butt

I need to cook pork for a large party. Due to price and amount issues I would prefer cooking kassler (pork neck) but the recipes I found for pork discuss almost

When cooking pulled pork in a slow cooker, should the meat be submerged in liquid? [duplicate]

I am making pulled pork in my slow cooker this week. I am going to use a pork shoulder and am planning on cooking it on low for 8-10 hours wh

What temperature, in degrees, should I set my slow cooker to for a 5-pound pork shoulder?

I'm making pulled pork with a 5-pound pork shoulder in my slow cooker. My cooker has a temperature control that ranges from 200 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. I hop

How does cutting a pork shoulder affect cooking time?

I have an approx. 10 pound pork shoulder that I would like to smoke on a charcoal grill. Recipes commonly list that you should smoke a shoulder for about 60 to

Is there a difference between pork shoulder and pork ribs when used in stews?

In the local chain supermarket (western US) they sell both "pork country-style ribs" and "country-style pork shoulder". Both are cut into 2-4" strips, bone-in o

What is this yellow substance that came out of a pressure-cooked pork butt?

I pressure-cooked a pork butt tonight, and this yellow substance was on it. There's no rotten odor, or anything to suggest it'd gone bad. This had never happen