Category "meatballs"

How to stop meatballs falling apart when frying

I tried cooking meatballs as a change to what I usually cook but I found that they didn't stay together when being fried. I made the meatballs with about 500g

Heating meatballs in pasta sauce

I made meatballs yesterday in the oven and I'm going to add them to pasta sauce tonight to heat them up and add them to spaghetti. My question is how long shoul

How to keep a meatball round?

After seeing this question I started to think more about my meatballs and wonder how can I keep them round? I have always been under the impression that you s

What is the best way to re-serve day old meat balls?

I've noticed that meatballs are one type of food that often tastes much better the next day. So whenever I make meatballs, I make lots of extras and put them i

What would be the difference between frying vs baking meatballs?

I'm sure the two techniques impart slightly different flavor profiles, but what are they? What are the circumstances where you would choose one method over the

Making meat balls in chicken marinade

I have this marinade in with I usually make chicken legs. It consists mainly of maple syrup, soy sauce, and sometimes ketchup. Is it reasonable to put meat b

Meatballs in tomato sauce using a rice cooker

I have a package of frozen precooked Italian meatballs. I got a can of tomato sauce. I would like to cook the meatballs in a tomato sauce. I don't have a pot ri

Why add breadcrumbs to meatballs?

Besides getting them to stay together, what other reason would there be for adding breadcrumbs to meatballs. Do they impart any particular flavor or texture?

What is the proper way to bake meat balls in the oven?

I tried baking meat balls with various temperatures and meat mixtures (regular to extra lean); however, every time, I end up with lots of water oozing out of th

How to make my meatballs more solid

I've been following a recipe for meatballs but they are far too loose for putting on the bbq. I thought I could maybe put them in the fridge before cooking the

How can I marinate meatballs without making them "mushy"?

I like to marinate my meatballs in a sauce on the stove for several hours, but they always seem to be "mushy" after cooking for so long. Is there a way to marin

Are meatballs different from Hamburgers other than in terms of size?

The recipes in for meatballs and hamburgers have their variations, but a lot of overlap. Many look almost the same. Other than the cooking method and size, is t

Egg substitution in Indian meatball recipe

I am cooking for a dinner party in a couple of days and one of the friends is allergic to egg but the 2 recipes I found and like ask for eggs. The recipe that m

How long is too long to cook meatballs in sauce?

We use ground Chuck for the meatballs when making meatball subs. No spices or chopped onion, just meat and the meat sauce is a basic tomato based concoction. Th

When baking meatballs for a soup, do I have to bake until the meat is fully cooked?

I'm making Italian Wedding Soup, and my recipe calls for oven-baking the meatballs for 7-9 minutes before adding them to the soup and boil/simmer for 5 minutes.

What purpose could baking soda and cream of tartar serve in a meatball recipe?

I came across a recipe for Italian-style meatballs today that includes two ingredients I've never seen used in any meatball recipe before: baking soda and cream

A substitution for pork in Swedish meatballs

I am looking for a substitute for ground pork in Swedish meatballs. For religious reasons, I don't eat any kind of pork (I adhere to the Bible clean and unclean

Ground Beef vs. Ground Pork

I have a meatball recipe that calls for ground beef, but all I have on hand is ground pork. How might that affect the binding of the ingredients and the cooking

Benefits of boiling meatballs before frying them

I was watching a cooking show yesterday where the chef used a process I have never seen before, without explaining why. I've been wondering about it and can't c

Why would gluten-free chicken meatballs involve pre-cooking 1/3 of the chicken before frying the formed meatballs?

I am looking at this recipe for gluten-free chicken meatballs and found this step to be odd. Anyone know what the purpose is? Is it related to the lack of glu