Category "barley"

How do you properly soak and cook barley?

I am going to be making a beef barley soup and need to soak the pearl barley overnight. There are no directions on the back of the package and so I am unclear o

What can I do to add more flavor into my beef barley soup?

This time around my beef barley soup is tasting a bit on the plain side. It has the right amount of saltiness but is lacking in the flavorful department. The in

Dark barley water

I happened across the wikipedia article on barley water today, and it features a photo of some very dark barley water: As far as I know, barley water is norm

Barley vs. oats?

What is the difference between barley and oats? In the US grocery stores (EDIT: in one grocery store) they seem to be considered to be the same thing, are they

Should I delay adding barley when making vegetable barley soup?

When adding barley to a soup (usually with some combination of vegetables), should I add the barley later than the rest of the ingredients?

How to get good barley texture

I have had barley a few times where each pearl is light, slightly dry and separate. When I've cooked it at home I get a very gummy, clumpy texture. I have bee

How to make Barley bread?

I started experimenting with baking using mixture of wheat and barley. The loaf was very tasty when made this way. Barley is one of the grains that has gluten.

Can I cook/eat unhulled malted barley? [closed]

I've got a small bag of whole barley malt intended for brewing beer. After doing a bit of reading I'm getting conflicting information. Some s

How do I reconstitute vacuum sealed Tibetan Barley Wine?

Last month I stayed in a homestay in Sichuan Province that was owned and run by a Tibetan family. At dinner they served an amazing barley wine made from Tibetan

Substituting barley for pasta

I want to substitute barley for 1/2 cup of macaroni in a soup. How much barley should I use?

How long should pearl barley be boiled for?

Different recipes that involve boiling pearl barley recommend boiling pearl barley for different periods of time. How long should pearl barley be boiled for, a

Is barley the same as bulgur?

Some sources seem to suggest that they are not, some suggest that they are but they are treated/processed differently. I want to know if they are fundamentally

Too much barley in vegetable soup

I added half a cup of barley to a vegetable (medley) soup and now the soup only tastes of barley. I made the stock from yesterday’s roast chicken. What ca

Can I use pearl barley instead of rice in baked rice pudding?

I want to make a baked rice pudding with plums. I was wondering since pearl barley is sometimes used for risotto if I could use it instead of rice here too. Wil

Frozen beef barley soup , adding more ingredients and re-freezing [duplicate]

Frozen beef barley soup. Can I add more ingredients to thawed soup and safely re-freeze

Lentils and barley used together

In Polish Sausage Lentil soup, can I use some barley to replace some lentils - can I mix the two? Same question only opposite - in Turkey, Tomato, Barley soup,