Category "vegetarian"

Best meat replacements for a vegetarian/vegan?

Let's compile a list of vegetarian/vegan meat replacements. Generic replacements: Seitan Tofu Tempeh Quorn Quorn Vegan Alternatives Paneer TVP Commercial fake

A vegan alternative to Quorn?

It seems that almost all meat replacements in the UK have eggs. Are there any good vegan alternatives?

What's a good vegetarian substitute for Worcestershire sauce?

The only thing I really miss since I started the whole rampant vegetarian thing is the taste of Worcester sauce in all sorts of dishes. Is there a way to get cl

How best to pan-fry tofu?

I love fried tofu, but I don't want to have a deep fryer in my home (I'll use it too much!). I've tried a few different techniques for pan-frying tofu, but it

What vegetables hold up well for making vegetarian pot pie?

I am trying to make a vegetarian pot pie, but so far I was not successful. I tried with carrots, peas, and cauliflower, but the pot pie was not that good.

What sauce / spices can make a tofu steak taste like a beef steak

I had an unbelievably good tofu steak in a restaurant in Tokyo many years ago. I have never been able to reproduce it. It tasted uncannily like a beef steak.

Can I substitute Soy Milk when a recipe for baking calls for regular milk?

If a baking recipe calls for regular milk, can I substitute Soy Milk...

What could I use in a vegetarian b'stilla?

I love the idea of b'stilla but not sure I have any great ideas for a vegetarian version. Searching the web I see people trying it with winter squash, chickpeas

What vegetarian substitute for prosciutto could I use in Carbonara?

Instead of prosciutto, I used capers to try and maintain the salty aspect. It worked ok, but something about the capers and cheese didn't seem right. Any othe

How do I get vegetarian tamales to come out fluffy?

I'm a vegetarian, so naturally I don't use lard when making the masa for tamales. I've experimented with butter, non-hydrogenated vegetable shortening, and soli

What to do with tofu? [closed]

Last night I made a delicious vegetarian stromboli and was left with a lot of excess crumbled extra-firm tofu. It was the first time I have e

Are there any vegetarian applications for transglutaminase ("meat glue")?

Transglutaminase is an enzyme that is popular among modernist chefs for two main purposes - to glue different meats together for special effects (like a modern

Camping with tofu

I'm about to take an extended camping trip, and I'd love to be able to make some decent tofu. (I'm mostly vegetarian, and I'm definitely going to be craving pro

How to prepare a vegetable base using roasted squash for savory tomato-chunk soup

I am looking to prepare a roasted squash soup base/stock. I plan on pairing the meal with a stout beer tasting. How do i go from roasted squash and asparagus to

Is gelatin vegetarian?

I understand that vegetarians are against meat, and gelatin is derived from meat and bones. So the obvious answer is "no." But I'm not entirely sure. What cons

Possible Pumpkin Flavors

I am hoping to try out cooking with pumpkin this year and only know a) not to buy jack-o-lantern varieties for cooking, and b) about making it into sweeter thi

Why did my oil-only seitan fail?

I tried to make seitan last night using oil and gluten, and after it was done it had a grainy consistency and didn't hold together at all. Is there some sort of

Jerk vegetable?

I have some friends coming over and will be cooking jerk chicken. As asked in my other question. Definitive Jerk Chicken However some of them are vegetarian.

Is there a vegetarian gelatin substitute that is as strong as gelatin?

I've made several mold (shaped) desserts with both gelatin and gelatin substitutes, and the substitutes have always failed to hold the shape of fully domed choc

Is there a substitute for dashi?

I adore Japanese cooking, but when cooking for vegetarians, I don't want to use dashi (bonito) stock. However, if I just omit it, the result doesn't taste authe