Category "toasting"

Calories in toast vs bread

Does toasting bread change the amount of calories in the bread? i.e Does a slice of toast have more/less calories that a slice of bread? I know that some moist

What is the best way to toast pecans?

Amongst other things, I'm making a chocolate & bourbon pecan pie for Christmas in my capacity as family pastry chef. The recipe calls for toasted pecan halv

How best to toast/brown marzipan?

The recipe/picture that I'm following calls for cutting out Christmas stars from marzipan and for the stars to be browned somewhat (does look nice). Last time

Dry roasting nuts and spices beforehand

I have recipes that call for dry roasting peanuts, coconut, and sesame seeds. I make these recipes a lot — so theoretically it would be easier to dry

Do toasted nuts quickly lose flavor?

There are many recipes where freshly toasted nuts are called for, and that got me wondering--how far can I toast them in advance without sacrificing flavor?

Why did my toasted acorn squash seeds smell like chocolate?

I recently toasted some acorn squash seeds in my toaster and, to my surprise, when I opened the toaster I got the unmistakable aroma of chocolate. A friend read

Toasting bagel in my oven

How much energy am I wasting by toasting my bagel in my big oven? Should I get a toaster?

Do cooled-down/chilled toasted black sesame seeds taste nearly raw again?

The consensus seems to be that toasted (black) sesame seeds taste better than their raw counterpart. But what happens to the improved flavour when those toaste

Does toasting and grinding whole spice really improve curry flavor?

It seems to be common knowledge that "toasting is better" when it comes to spices. But the other day I noticed my toasted-and-freshly-ground coriander smelled p

Can I toast pecans the night before?

I'm making pecan bars in the morning and I was thinking I'd get a jump on the work by toasting the nuts tonight. Is there a downside to toasting the pecans and

Which bread keeps the longest?

I want to buy the type of bread which last longest. It should be toastable, so no zwieback and other dry types. Which is the best bread for this purpose? Is the

How do you properly toast rice?

No matter what recipe I try, whenever I toast rice it comes out unevenly brown (it always skips past the golden brown stage), it lacks any nutty smell and smell

What does the "bagel" setting on toasters do?

Usually, I put slices of bread in my toaster. Sometimes, I toast bagels. On my toaster, there's a little button that says "bagel". How does this setting toas

how do I toast oats so that they are crispy?

I'm playing around with making cereal, and one of the cereals I want to replicate is the "bunches of oats" style, with crispy clusters that include oats. Every

T function in OTG oven

What does T stand for in OTG oven? If it is for Toasting then can an OTG oven be used in place of a toaster to toast a bread or it serves some different functio

Multiple layer toasting in Microwave

I want to toast some peanuts in a microwave (just a microwave - it does not have a grill (broiler) or convection mode). Can I put multiple layers of peanut in a

Why should pine seeds/nuts be pan-toasted without oil?

Most recipes with pan-toasted pine seeds say they need to toasted DRY, WITHOUT oil. Why? It does not make sense to me. Toasting them DRY gives them a spotty app

Preserve crustiness/freshness of toasted bread

In long trips i.e. over 3 hours long, I take some toasted break with either pb&j or something inside e.g. slices of turkey etc (toasted). I wrap them with a

Grinding toasted spices without cooling

It is recommended when roasting whole spices in Indian cooking to cool them before grinding into a powder. Why do you need to wait for the spices to cool and wh