I've used a recipe before (can't find it anymore, sorry) where I steamed sticks of celery root. The ingredients I remember are garlic (whole cloves steamed toge
Ground elder is a terrible weed with delicious leaves. But is the root edible too? Wikipedia: Aegopodium podagraria, commonly called ground elder, herb gerard,
I am going to start making kale smoothies and wish to buy a couple bunches of kale at a time. Here's my thought - I was thinking of taking the kale, perhaps bl
Four years ago I have harvested some liquorice roots in a field. After a brief cleaning with fresh water I have sun dried these roots for a day. These were very
I once went to a Chinese restaurant with a Chinese friend, and there was this sort of yam which was white colored and covered with a whole bunch of red/pink dot
I am curious as to how tapioca is made from cassava. Also, is it possible to do this at home? Thanks.
For recipes calling for green onions, how do we know that whether we have to use the white root of the onion in recipe or green leaves?
I recently learned that Glycyrrhizin, which is naturally present in liquorice root, is a strong sweetener (30-50x stronger than sugar depending on sources). So