Category "dry"

Is there a way to make pasta dry rather than watery?

After I boil and strain pasta it tastes watery unlike rice which can be dry if you don't use too much water. Is there a way to make pasta dry too?

How can I make cookies less dry and crumbly?

I have made these cookies once before. I stuck to the recipe and really liked the flavor, but found that they were very dry and crumbly. I would like to make th

What cuts of meat are preferable when you want to avoid drying out?

I want to cook meat that is well done in an oven, doesn't have crust on the outside and doesn't dry out. In this question What am I doing wrong when cooking me

Roasted Peanuts

What is the best way to dry roast peanuts, Slow Dry Roasting or Quick Dry Roasting? Which will give maximum flavour and what will be the impact on the moisture

Are the stems of rehydrated dried Shiitake usable?

The stems of the rehydrated Shiitake mushrooms are tough, even after rehydration. In the recipes that I checked it was advised to cut and throw the stems and k

dry canning, had a little water vapor

Today was my first go at dry canning. I canned a few jars of dried pinto beans today. I had them in the oven for two hours at 220°F, and the jars were defin

Can I rehydrate dried chillies in bulk?

I have a bunch of dried chillies (chipotles, poblanos and pasillas). My preferred method for using these is to soak them in hot water for about 20 minutes, then

Why is my sugar in my recipe becoming gritty and dry after baking in the oven. This is something new for me

I've been making these dessert snacks for years. The last 2 times I've baked them, the sugar has come out gritty and the butter seems all absorbed. Very dry. M

How can I improve the outer texture of my lemon poppy seed bundt cake? It is tender and moist in the inside but dry on the outside

My lemon poppy seed bundt cake ingredients: Plain flour 450g Baking powder 1 1/2 tsp Baking soda 1/2 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp Butter 198g Sugar 440g Large eggs 4 Vanill

my german red cabbage does not have much liquid. red german cabbage is dry

Is german red cabbage supposed to be dry and if not What do you do if your german red cabbage is dry.

How do I make a chicken cheesesteak that isn't dry?

When I try to make chicken cheesesteaks, this is what I do: thinly slice some chicken breasts saute some chopped onions and green peppers put the meat in a fryi