Category "sticky-rice"

What are the crunchy bits on top of Thai mango with sticky rice?

My favorite Thai restaurant makes a fantastic mango and sticky rice dessert, and it seems like it'd be pretty simple to recreate at home. I've searched around t

Sushi rolls opening up

Last night I made sushi rolls for the first time. The issue I encountered is that the rolls would open up when taking them with the chopsticks. The rice was su

Does glutinous rice flour function differently from regular rice flour as a coating?

I am going to try making wasabi peas despite a dearth of recipes online. I've read the list of ingredients of several brands, most (including my favorite) conta

Making sticky rice without rice cooker

I know that a rice cooker is the easiest way to make sticky rice, because of the way it is steamed. However, I don't have a rice cooker: what is the most effect

Crock-pot/slow-cooker basmati sushi/ketupat

I have successfully made sushi rice or ketupat cakes with long grain basmati using the slow cooker. I see the advantage that I could use fragrant or any usual h

How do I cook sticky rice/glutinous rice in my rice cooker?

I would like to try and recreate the sticky rice (aka glutinous rice or sweet rice) as I often find served in a kratip at my local USA Thai restaurant. I alread

Rice has water inside after being cooked

I have this Rooster A.A.A. Scented Jasmine Rice that I recently bought and after a few days, water starts forming in the middle for some reason. A little back

Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice?

I have recently been using raw rice at my home. I have noticed that the non-parboiled rice sticks to each other while parboiled rice does not given the same amo

What is this green cake with plastic-y texture, found at an Asian store?

While shopping at the local Asian store, I found a funny, green cake that looked interesting, so I bought a piece. It looks like this: I discovered that it h

Do I need a specific pot to cook Japanese-style rice?

So, I've been rather curious lately as to what I'll be needing in order to prepare/cook some Japanese-style rice. I wanted to say sushi rice, but I believe it's

Injeolmi - Korean Sweet Rice Cakes

I have never made injeolmi before but am keen to try - I have a few questions though before I try: steaming vs microwaving the rice dough? I imagine it gets ub

How to make Black Glutinous Rice sticky?

I've been to a Cooking Class in Thailand and learned how to do many yummy Thai dishes. One of them was Mango with Sticky Rice, but with black rice. My problem i

sushi rice or paste

I do what the instructions say...I rinse my sushi rice till the water is clear, I soak the rice for 30 minutes, I bring the rice and water to a boil, cook on lo

How to get all the rice out of the pan?

Often when cooking rice a lot of it ends up sticking to the bottom of the pan and gets wasted. I'm using a frying pan with a non-stick surface. Is there a way t

What should I do if I have added extra water in rice for braising and you can see the rice is turning into sticky rice?

While cooking rice with meat, sometimes I faced that extra water has been added to the rice container when kept for braising. What should I do when I see the ri

Does adding vinegar to rice while while boiling reduce stickyness or improve hardness?

I'm trying to make chinese fried rice, for which I chose long grain basmati rice. I wash the rice thoroughly before cooking. I'm able to get separate grains (no

My black glutinous rice is not chewy at all?

I need some advice, I bought some Black Thai glutinous rice, but it just isn't getting the right texture. I have: soaked it overnight soaked it over 2 nights bo

How to avoid "Keep Warm" mode on rice-cooker

I have a "Hamilton Beach Multi-Cooker" rice cooker / steamer / etc. 840304400 is the model number. We only cook rice for sushi, rice bowls, onigiri, etc. 9 ti