Category "sourdough-starter"

How to Judge the Appropriate Feeding Schedule for Immature Sourdough Starter

I am a week into the development of sourdough starter. I initiated the starter on spring water and a flour mixture that is 1/2 whole grain rye (Hodgson Mill) a

How can I "cheat" on dough maturation?

I found a good balance between leavening and maturation while using my favourite flour, my oven and my sourdough starter, the only problem is that the whole pro

Will my results differ when using a sourdough starter vs poolish for pizza dough?

I've read about differing techniques for getting the best flavor, texture, and chewiness in my pizza crust. One of the commonly suggested routes is to include a

Does injera require a starter?

I want to make Ethiopian injera bread at home, but the recipes I've seen are inconsistent about whether a bread starter is needed. Do I need to use a sourdough

Tartine + Sourdough Taste

I just moved to the San Diego area and began making my bread starter from scratch (it's 3 weeks old now) from the Tartine cookbook. I just made the country loa

Maintaining Sourdough Starter - Are potato flakes/water necessary?

I just got some sourdough starter going with the Oregon Trail, and it seems to be doing quite well. However, the guide calls for using potato flakes or potato w

Maintaining Sourdough Starter

Given the time of year and my home's shoddy heating, I opted to put my starter on top of the clothes dryer to keep it warm. With five people in my family it get

Remedy a sourdough which used milled red winter wheat

I followed a sourdough recipe that said to use bread flour, I thought a hard red winter wheat ran through our grain mill would suffice if I sifted out the bran.

Question about new sourdough starter, specifically smell

I'm trying to start my first "successful" sourdough starter. I posted a question about getting it started here: Initial Question Since I asked that question,

Can a sour dough starter be too active?

Can a sour dough starter be too active? My starter almost tripled in 4 hours. Should I keep feeding it and when do you know that it is ready?.

How to get more lactic acid vs acetic acid in sourdough?

I want to start a sourdough culture with wheat flour. I don't want the vinegar taste to be too pronounced. What can I do to create a culture which produces a

What is the rise / fall / feed cycle of a sourdough starter?

I'm following this recipe to make a sourdough starter for the first time. The recipe says to wait 3 days before the first feed. On the morning of day 2, the st

Why did my Sourdough starter stopped rising? [duplicate]

Ok so I started my starter (no pun intended) a few days ago. I got a recipe that said I should keep it at room temp and feed it once a day wit

What happens if I use my sourdough starter too soon?

What happens if I use my sourdough starter before all of the good yeast and bacteria are fully developed? Would the bad bacteria make me sick? Or would cooking

What's are the benefits of different sourdough starter consistencies?

Is there any real differences between keeping a sourdough starter at a thick dough like consistency compared to a more watery consistency? Aside from the genera

Commercial yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in a sourdough culture

I would like to know a good reason for adding commercial yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to a sourdough culture and would it survive?

How to grow sourdough starter for increased production?

I am a commercial baker, and we are going through lots of sourdough starter. But I wanted some ideas or help for growing sourdough starter without throwing awa

Cooking with sourdough starter

I have recently begun a sourdough starter. General advice is to throw away half the starter every few days then feed what remains with additional flour and wate

Why won't my sourdough form a shapeable dough that doesn't stick?

I'm pretty new to the sourdough game and will admit that I have very little knowledge of the science behind it (hydration, etc.). I have so far tried two sourdo

Can a sourdough starter be kept alive if you live in a dry climate?

I have recently moved to Colorado and now I live in a dry climate at about 5,000 ft (the western slope). I had a starter in Sacramento CA with me for years, bu