Category "tortilla"

How do you make Ketchup Doritos?

I have been craving these for years, and I can't find a recipe. Frito-Lay made Ketchup flavored Doritos a few years ago. Unfortunately they didn't sell very we

How can I make a Taco Shell?

I've never seen a mold that would shape them - any tips?

Is It Possible to make corn tortillas at home without a press?

I don't own a tortilla press and until I have more cabinet space, one is not in my future. However I value making as much as I can from scratch and love using

What's the difference between a burrito and a tortilla?

I was in a Mexican restaurant with some co-workers recently and noticed that many of them ordered a "burrito." What's the difference between this and a tortilla

Trouble making corn tortillas

I have tried a variety of experiments to make corn tortillas, but the results have been far from satisfactory The only masa I can get this corner of the world

How to make big, fluffy "Mexican-style" flour tortillas (without using any special machinery)?

Flour tortillas are so bloody expensive (and rare!) outside of the U.S. so I'd like to make my own. A friend taught me how to make some ages ago, but I stopped

How do I defrost frozen flour tortillas?

There is a wide variety of suggestions about how to thaw frozen flour tortillas. What works best?

How do you ensure a tortilla keeps all its contents when making a burrito?

What's the best technique to tuck or close the tortilla when preparing a burrito so that it doesn't come undone when it's time to eat?

How to cook cubed fish for a fish taco (tortilla)

Today someone at work described eating a delicious halibut taco. I've never had one before but it sounds awesome, so I'm going to try to make one some time this

Can I include carrots in Tortilla de Patatas and can I use a casserole dish to make it taller?

I want to make Tortilla de Patatas but I have extra carrots that I would like to use somewhere. Can I include them in the frying phase? And can the dish be cook

How can I get a corn tortilla to be pliable enough to work with?

I like the flavor and texture of corn tortillas (store-bought), but they always tear apart whenever I try to use them in a non-flat way - enchilada-style, for e

Making flour tortillas softer and more elastic

I would like to make a tortilla that is softer and more elastic, allowing for large burritos with lots of filling I've been using the following recipe below wh

Tortilla Espinoza — what is it and how do I make it?

It's been requested that I make a traditional Spanish dish named tortilla espinoza. I have no idea what this is, and Google has failed me in finding something

How to get flour quesadilla light and crispy?

My homemade quesadillas made with flour tortillas always come out hard, dry and crunchy instead of light and crispy. I spray the tortillas with a little Pam

How to cook good "arepas"?

Arepas are a traditional dish from Venezuelan cuisine. After eating them a couple of times, the other day I decided to try to cook them myself. I searched over

What kind of homemade sandwich bread or wrap lasts longest?

I want to prepare a homemade bread, wrap, pita, or tortilla-like food, something to make in advance on weekends, to later fill with typical sandwich fillings, s

Homemade Corn Tortillas: How to get the back side cooked the same as the face?

When making Corn tortillas at home, the first side that cooks against the comal turns out perfect, with slight blistering and an even cooking of this side, the

How to bake chips in microwave using grill?

Is it possible to prepare tortilla chips using the grill in a microwave? Can I bake anything for example, Indian version of samosa in a microwave using a grill

What to do when too much shortening is added to flour?

I was trying to make some homemade flour tortillas, but I made a mistake and I added ~9oz of shortening to 4.5 cups of flour. I'm unsure what to do with the f

How long does tortilla dough keep for?

I am making tortillas with masa harina corn flour according to this recipe. Can I make it a few hours in advance and cook the tortillas just before they are to