Category "tortilla"

Is it possible to prepare store bought corn tortillas so they don't fall apart?

Is it possible to prepare store bought corn tortillas so they don't fall apart? I know they are healthier than flour and they taste fine, but mine frequently fa

tortilla recipe with longest shelf life

I searched for tortilla recipes and I found several, sometimes very different one from another - for instance, Mexican ones are mostly made with wheat flour whi

Can you make tortillas/pitas on stainless steel?

Most tortilla and pita bread recipes I see specifically call for cooking the dough in a cast iron skillet. At the moment, I only have stainless steel. My only

Substitute nixtamalized corn flour for corn meal + corn starch

I want to make mexican tacos, which are usually made with masa harina (nixtamalized corn flour + water). However I don't have nixtamalized corn flour, I have

What's the correct texture for masa dough?

Recently I bought a big thing of masa harina and tried making pupusas and tortillas. I forget which recipe I used, but I remember it saying to get the dough to

storage tips for fresh corn tortillas

How do I store bought-warm corn tortillas to keep fresh longer? reheating tortillas has been discussed here After refridgerating 24hrs, a quick reheat in micow

Why use lard in tortilla dough?

What is the effect of lard in tortilla dough? Can a vegetable oil of preference be substituted for it?

How to get rid of extra flour on homemade pizza dough and tortillas

I make my own pizza dough and I just made my own tortillas for the first time. Both are great, my family and friends like them. However in both cases I roll t

Nixtamilizing Corn for Tortillas

I am new to the process of making tortillas from corn, I understand that the nixtamalization process and using heirloom corn are important to make traditional t

Tortilla press geometry problems

I have a fairly typical Mexican-made tortilla press, and I've had it for a while. It works of course, but there's a persistent problem of the part of the tortil

Can I replace Lard with Ghee in tortillas?

I am trying to make home made tortillas and I was wondering if I can substitute Lard with Ghee as I am not too keen about the taste of lard. My understanding is

Why do my homemade tortillas turn hard at first but then become soft?

I suppose this is more curiosity than a problem, but why do my homemade (corn) tortillas start hard as soon as they are off the pan and then quickly turn soft?

Trying to improve a vegetarian wrap by adding spinach

I am trying to come up with a recipe for a wrap (in a tortilla) and my idea features slightly fried vegetables and spring onion, sour cream, spinach and mozzare

Tortilla or flat bread breaks and ruins inflation

If you cook flatbreads/tortillas they should ideally inflate on the griddle. What might cause tortilla or flat breads to break or crack in places some time duri

Why does boiling water make dough taste sweet?

I was experimenting on dough for chapathi, which is basically wheat tortilla. This is how I normally prepare it, Mix whole wheat flour and salt with room tap wa

Can I use a crêpe pan instead of a comal?

I've recently been given a recipe for tortillas by a friend, but it calls for a Comal, and I only have a crêpe pan, or a non-stick frying pan. Are either

How can I make corn tortillas as thin as store bought?

From watching videos and going to local Mexican restaurant, it seems the tortillas are much thinner than how I am able to get them when I try to make them at ho