Category "recipe-writing"

Cues to a reliable or unreliable recipe?

Over on this question about measurements we got into an interesting discussion about recognizing reliable recipes. What cues do you look for to recognize one yo

In writing a recipe, when should I remove the bay leaves in the process?

I'm trying to write down a recipe for Italian sweet sauce that is used for salads but can also be used on pasta and meat. It has bay leaves in it but I'm not su

Simple recipe that when combined in a different order yields different food?

I'm trying to organize a science demo, and one of the lessons I'd like to get across is that information and order matters when ingredients are combined! Mixing

Will artificial sweeteners work in a coffee syrup recipe?

Here’s the recipe for coffee syrup Ingredients for 1 cup of coffee syrup 2 cups sugar 1 cup strong coffee Directions Mix sugar with the coffee Boil mixtu

Faulty recipes: omitted ingredient or unused ingredient

I'm looking at ways of enhancing the production of my recipes, and a couple of quality control items have come up. I've seen recipes where there's an ingredien

Name for a master "cook plan" that describes how you prepare and serve all courses of a meal

I'm writing some software and could use some help (from some experts!) naming something. In cooking, culinary arts, etc. I have to imagine that there exists a c

Add sugar to Taco Seasoning?

Do I add sugar? So many people have told me they put sugar in their seasoning and I don't understand why. What does sugar provide to this recipe and how much sh

Are there any factors that can determine whether a dish will taste good other than experience?

What is the most analytical theory available for why recipes will taste good, such that they could be designed ahead of time and predicted to be tasty, and expl