Category "french-fries"

What varieties of potato would be good for chips / french fries?

What varieties of potato would be good for making chips / french fries that can be cooked in a deep fryer to give a nice golden crunch on the outside, but still

Is it possible to make french fries out of potatoes and tomatoes?

In the same way that they make tomato tortillas, is it possible to create french fries with a homemade recipe that is made from potatoes and tomatoes both? My i

How to make Pumpkin Fries

Sweet potato fries are one of my favorite sides. I also love the taste of pumpkin, and thought it would be good to replace the sweet potato in sweet potato fri

How can I make McDonald's type French Fries

I have eaten french fries from most popular fast food joints. McDonald's has been the best by far. Crisp & crunchy on the outside yet moist inside, still

What ingredient gives vlaamse mayonnaise that special kick?

I love Dutch frites, and I particularly like the Flemish Frite Saus called vlaamse mayonnaise that they serve at the Frite shop called VleminckX Sausmeesters on

The secret to Pringles like potatoes

Some context: I'm not a cook, hardly even a good amateur, this considered: I would like to know if it is possible to, with everyday cooking accessories, make s

Tricks to preserve chips (french fries)?

Since I can remember I've always been crazy about chips (french fries for the Americans). As a result I always make too much when I make them for me. The proble

How much of the oil will stay in french fries?

Is there a fixed percentage of how much of the oil used to frying french fries will stay in the served french fries? I guess that it depends on things like di

Should french fries be fried two times?

Most professional cookbooks tell me to fry french fries two times. First at a lower temperature of about 150-170°C and then at a higher temperature about 18

Using Frozen Fries as a Component: How to Dress Them Up?

I often have to use frozen (potato) fries as a component in dishes. Usually, I douse them in garlic sauce and ketchup, but that doesn't really add much to them.

Why double fry French fries after blanching instead of just blanching and frying?

I love good fries fries. I've made them with some success at home using the Steak Frites recipe originally developed by Cooks Illustrated/America's Test Kitche

How to bake Frozen French Fries

I bought a couple of packets of frozen fries and I absolutely can't fry them. My only option is to bake them. I have access to oil if necessary. How do I bake

How to make crispy French fries?

Yesterday I tried making French fries, but they were not crispy. I heard that if I use 2 spoonfuls of Mobil oil with soybean oil, the fries will be much crispi

Is there a practical way to make belgian fries for four at home?

I would really like to make some professional style belgian fries at home, with the specific restriction of frying them twice. Frying in a frying pan is diffic

How to prepare french fries? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How can I make McDonald’s type French Fries I have prepared french fries couple of times in my home. But I c

Frying potato with little oil

When I fry potatoes with only a small amount of oil, one side gets brown but the other side stays yellow. How can I make my fried potatoes with a reduced amo

How do I cook chips (french fries) in the oven?

A while back, I came across a method of cooking chips in the oven (rather than deep frying them). Basically, what I do it cut the raw potatoes into chips, coat

Can excess oil make french fries soggy?

My co-workers and I are in a debate. We brought some french fries home from a fast-food restaurant in paper bags and they got soggy. My co-workers maintain that

What is the type of cheese in "chips and cheese" UK fast-food? (with photos)

I went to England a few years ago for a couple months. I took pictures of a fast-food dish, "chips and cheese" that is uncommon where I live. More than that, th

What are good counter-top oven settings to reheat french fries soggy from refrigerating overnight?

I have yesterday's French Fries (Chips for those of you across the Pond). They were stored in a refrigerator overnight and now are cold AND soggy. What's a go