Category "tofu"

How best to pan-fry tofu?

I love fried tofu, but I don't want to have a deep fryer in my home (I'll use it too much!). I've tried a few different techniques for pan-frying tofu, but it

What sauce / spices can make a tofu steak taste like a beef steak

I had an unbelievably good tofu steak in a restaurant in Tokyo many years ago. I have never been able to reproduce it. It tasted uncannily like a beef steak.

What to do with tofu? [closed]

Last night I made a delicious vegetarian stromboli and was left with a lot of excess crumbled extra-firm tofu. It was the first time I have e

how long is tofu good for?

I bought some tofu at the store about a month ago (or was it two months?). Anyway, I haven't eaten it all and it's sitting in my fridge in tupperware. How long

Camping with tofu

I'm about to take an extended camping trip, and I'd love to be able to make some decent tofu. (I'm mostly vegetarian, and I'm definitely going to be craving pro

Better ways to drain tofu in a hurry?

So far the best way I've found to make tofu taste good is to exchange as much of the water in it for liquid carrying flavor. In order to do that of course you n

How can I make my icecream soft as it is too hard to carve straight from the fridge?

I have made my recipe with many changes and the most successful effort was the addition of a Instant Pudding mix. All others were much too hard to carve and ser

How does boiling impact the texture of tofu?

For years, we've been making pasta sauce that incorporates extra firm tofu. To prepare the tofu for crumbling we follow this procedure: cut tofu into pieces co

How to replace chicken with tofu in a curry

I've never cooked tofu before and I appreciate that using a store-bought jar of curry sauce and expecting it to work nicely may be a little optimistic. However

How do I prepare tofu so comes out like at Noodles & co

I really enjoy the texture of the tofu in the pad thai with tofu dish at Noodles and Company. In particular, it comes out much firmer than it does when I make t

Extra Firm Tofu past expiration date: safe, but for how long?

How long past the expiration date is pre-packaged extra-firm tofu safe, tasty and wholesome. Generally, expiration dates are for sissies, but something about t

Is pressed tofu what I want?

I have been using extra firm tofu to make meals, recently. When I go out to restaurants and get, for example, Thai food, I see a much more thinly sliced form of

How to make tofu that is crispy and flavorful outside and soft inside?

I know how to fry tofu to make it firm, and also how to dry fry it and marinade it to make it flavorful. Neither of these cooking techniques mimics the tofu I

Microwaving frozen tofu before marinating

I froze some tofu in order to get extra water out of it before marinating and cooking. I'd kind of like to get a start on the marinating process, but it's takin

Does dry frying tofu really cause tofu to better soak up a marinade?

Does dry frying tofu really cause tofu to better soak up a marinade? Source:

Which type of pan can you recommend for pan-frying tofu?

Which type of pan can you recommend for pan-frying tofu, stainless, aluminum, or carbon steel?

How can I make homemade tofu more flavorful?

Background: My wife (for some unknown reason) bought a huge bag of dried soy beans. In my efforts to dispose of it I have been experimenting with making soy mil

How to prevent tofu from falling apart on the grill?

Whenever I've tried to grill tofu (on a propane home grill), it falls apart and into the grill. Is there anything I can do beforehand to prevent the tofu from

What is silken tofu compared to regular tofu and how do you use it?

Because of the contest, I read up about tofu. It's something I'm not familiar with at all, I've only eaten it twice. I came across the term 'silken tofu'. I onl

Does searing cause more or less oil to be absorbed than frying?

Let's assume that I have two identical pans, with equal amounts of oil in each, and two practically identical slices of tofu (or whatever else, but I'm referrin