Category "tofu"

Is tofu considered a processed food? [closed]

One might not think of tofu as a processed food, but it seems to follow the definition found here: Food processing is any deliberate chang

Is there such thing as "almond tofu," and if so, is it a misnomer?

I just read a restaurant review in the New York Times that mentions "almond tofu." Made from almonds, it has the luxurious texture of a custard rather than

How to reduce bitterness in silken tofu 'cream' soup?

I made a 'cream' soup using silken tofu, vegetarian soup stock, (pre-packaged) fried onions, and a bit of white balsamic vinegar. It was pretty good but had a

Ma Po Doufu without Pork

In China there is a famous dish called Ma Po Doufu 麻婆豆腐 and most of the recipes I find online have pork. I was wondering if anyone k

Can I leave the okara in when making tofu?

I've started making tofu recently, and the one thing that bothers me is how much okara I end up throwing away. Since I'm not drinking the soy milk, and just tur

Homemade Tofu Firmness

So I am really getting into eating Tofu, and I want to get into making my own (since organic soybeans are alot cheaper then organic tofu). My question is, when

Alternative milk Bean curd

Can milk from beans other than soy be curdled to make a tofu-like product? I know that black beans work, but I am wondering about kidney or pinto for example (o

Tofu - Cooking technique for firm/chewy edges?

This may be a very basic question and I've just somehow not been doing it properly. When I get tofu in the prepared foods department or the Chinese buffet, it'

What is Okinawan "yushi tofu" made from?

Here in Okinawa where I'm currently travelling, there is a dish called "yushi tofu" (Japanese: ゆし豆腐). So far I've only noticed it o

The whey of mozzarella or tofu

Mozzarella, tofu come with a liquid, I think is whey. Is it useful in any way? has this any culinary value?

How to evenly fry cubes?

I have long struggled with pan-frying cube-shaped foods to try to get them evenly browned on all sides. I have this struggle with potatoes and tofu, and there

Dried tofu - does it have another name, and where can I get it in the UK?

A local Asian supermarket used to sell this stuff that the proprietor referred to as dried tofu. In came vacuum packed, and seemed to be dehydrated tofu that ha

Why is the nutritional composition of tofu different from soybeans?

The fat:carbs:protein ratios in soybeans is about 25%:35%:40%. In tofu (which is made from soybeans) these ratios change to roughly 35%:10%:55%, so it becomes

Filtered or non-filtered soymilk maker?

In the process of making soymilk for drinking it, using it as diary replacement in vegan cooking or preparing tofu, one have to strain the mixture to remove the

How do I make my Thai curry with paste taste better? [closed]

Looking for simple tips to improve my curries made from paste. I know of a few answers I've learned, but looking for others... Thanks! Origi

Tofu and chalkiness

I just found out that I have new dietary restrictions. In an effort to get more protein I have begun experimenting with tofu. The problem I am having is when I

What is used in the production of dubu (Korean tofu)?

Tofu, in Korea, is known as 'dubu'. This product is very similar to (possibly exactly the same as) the Japanese counterpart. What is used in the process of ma

Can I use agar as a coagulant to make homemade tofu?

Good tofu is really hard to come by where I live, especially silken tofu. I want to try making my own tofu. There are tons of recipes online. BUT, some of the

Soymilk for drinking vs. soymilk for tofu making

Many recipes for tofu start from soymilk, many others start from scratch, but most of either kind share a whole variety of approaches, i.e. the order of the soa

What causes odd off-flavor/smell in tofu?

I have found this only very occasionally in Tofu. (Maybe about 3 or 4 times, ever: that would be something betw. 5-10%?, I imagine) I don't think the Tofu is s