Category "hot-sauce"

Keeping Hot Sauce From Separating

Last fall I tried my hand at making a homemade hot sauce. Essentially: roast peppers, blend with vinegar, garlic, salt and other spices, put in jar for three we

Is there any way to enhance the heat without changing the taste in a hot sauce?

I have been making a three pepper chili for years, but the spice content leaves a little to be desired for some people. I wanted to make a hot sauce that would

Reduce hotness of beef Jerky

I made some beef jerky with Maddog 375 hot sauce (generously poured into the marinade). It's ridiculously hot and basically unedible (I can eat it but just slo

How does the "Suicide Sauce" from Hot Licks rate on the Scoville Scale

I bought the so called "Suicide Hot-Sauce" from Hot Licks about a year ago when I visited California. I forgot to ask how this sauce rates on the Scoville Scale

What are the most common uses of piri piri sauce (other than with chicken)?

I have experimenting in the kitchen. I decided to use some extra hot piri piri sauce with some bacon on a Stottie cake. It tasted magical and I am tempted to re

How do I maximize the shelf life of my homemade hot sauce?

I am planning on putting this year's crop of hot peppers to use by trying my hand at making my own hot sauces. I've never tried this before, but I've found a n

Why does Mexican food taste dissonant with balsamic vinegar?

I assayed an attempt at hot sauce the other day by cooking 3 pounds of peppers (jalapeno and hungarian wax) in olive oil and balsamic vinegar for about three ho

Béchamel and pomodoro

Is there any traditional recipe that uses béchamel (white sauce) and pomodoro (tomato sauce) mixed, making a new (orange-ish) sauce? Is there a name for

Create hot "sauce" from capsaicin extract

There are a lot of hot sauces like "Blairs Mega Death" with more than 500.000 scoville heat units. However, they do have some odd taste, which I don't really li

How can I modify my hot sauce to make it Shelf Stable?

I would like to be able to can and then sell my own hot sauce. The hot sauce I make is a low acid meat (ground beef) and tomato based sauce. I had sent it in to

What can I do to stop hot sauce from separating? [duplicate]

I make homemade cayenne pepper sauce every year. I do add some liquid pectin to slightly thicken it so it will stick to food rather than roll

Homemade Buffalo Sauce

I live in the Philippines where Frank's Hot sauce is frankly quite expensive. I'm planning to make a homemade Buffalo Wings sauce with Trappey's Hot sauce (whic

How do I finely process/puree a large amount of chillies?

I have a large quantity of chillies that I would like to make a hot sauce out of. But firstly I would like to create a really fine puree out of these chillies,

How to balance the bitterness of Habanero peppers?

I'm a hobby hot sauce maker and I'm wondering how do I balance the bitterness of Habanero peppers? All the super hot peppers in the Chinense family have a stro

Should I refrigerate hot sauce?

I am an avid hot sauce collector. I own about 2 dozen bottles in various states of completion, some of which are a couple years old. They are currently in my re

What is the difference between a thickener and an emulsifier?

I ask this because I have used a minuscule amount of Xanthan Gum to slightly thicken a chilli sauce I have made. However upon looking at the ingredients of many

Hot sauce; Remove seeds?

I use a recipe that calls for removing the top third or more of Cayenne peppers in order to remove most of the seeds. Seems like a waste to me. Aside from havin

What ingredients can you have in Hot Sauce?

I'm researching in doing a hot sauce company. its been a constant struggle for me to find some answers so Ill go ahead and pitch them here Assuming that I use

Elements of a chilli sauce

first post here on Seasoned Advice and I'm just after a wee bit of insight in to the elements of a chilli sauce. I've been looking in to making chilli sauces a

How can I stabilize my hot sauces?

I have started producing hot sauces, the taste and consistency is great! They are cooked sauces, I meant I cook the peppers and vegetables into the vinegar and