Category "science"

Is the grey stuff the thing we make fond out of

When cooking minced meat in particular (and most meat as far as I know), some grey, gooey stuff usually turn up on one side. Its also apparent when doing certa

Time&Temperature vs energy needed for molecules structure's changes

Recently I've read an interesting post about time vs temperature (Time vs. Temperature - What changes what?) I've been thinking about this problem for a long t

What makes a 'primary' taste?

I just noticed this proposal that 'starchiness' should be recognised as the sixth primary taste (after sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and umami). I

Smoked meat too smokey tasting

I bought a large quantity of smoked cuts of pork (Ham, Sausage and bacon) and find it is too smokey. Is there anything I can do prior to cooking or method of c

Varying pungency with size

Is a chilli of small size more pungent than chilli of large size of same plant if so then why? If a small chilli is more pungent then why aren't chillies in mar

Did I turn my frosting into mayonnaise?

A few weeks ago I made a European-ish buttercream with roughly these ingredients: 4 large whole eggs plus two yolks; ~1.5 cups of white sugar; ~1T vanilla bean

Simple recipe that when combined in a different order yields different food?

I'm trying to organize a science demo, and one of the lessons I'd like to get across is that information and order matters when ingredients are combined! Mixing

Is it possible to make "coffee" with cacao? [closed]

I need to do a project for the uni, and my topic it's about cacao, and i need to create a new product with it, do you think it is possible or

What protease is in avocado?

What protease in particular does avocado contain? I've been searching everywhere for it on the internet and still couldn't find any answers.

Physics/chemistry behind the observation

This is purely observation based. Any time I have cooking something on the stove, if I change intensity in any direction - reducing or increasing the heat, it s

Why does adding sugar/salt causes water to release?

This is purely practical observation. If I add pinch of sugar or salt, somehow automagically water appears in the pot. For example I had a week old cauliflower

Too much butter in pie crust

My pie crust does not look right . I put in one and one half cups of butter instead of one and one half sticks. I’ve already added the liquid. Can it be

Can alcohol evaporation get you drunk?

So, there was an article saying if you vaporize alcohol and Inhale, that you can consume it and it will go into your bloodstream and make you drunk. I’m

Do yeast pancakes contain alcohol?

I fed my 2 year old pancakes that required yeast: yeast, mashed banana, warm water, whole wheat and buckwheat flour, and salt. I left the batch in the fridge ov

How does adding vanilla extract help make a milkshake if the ice cream is already vanilla?

I recently purchased a professional-style milkshake mixer, and some recipes I've researched say that adding ice cream is a must for making shakes, along with ad