Category "juicing"

What is the best/easiest way to juice a watermelon?

Last year, I had a lot of leftover watermelon from a full-size melon and I pressed it in a strainer to get out the seeds and pulp, but it took forever. (I then

How much juice can you get from an orange?

I wanted to make fresh orange juice using a squeezer and wanted to know how many oranges it takes to make an 8oz glass of juice?

Juice recipe recommendation engine to give me recipes based on the ingredients I already have?

Does anyone know of a website where I could enter a bunch of ingredients that I have and it would return a list of possible juice recipes for my juicer? Like a

What juicer is best for leafy greens and vegetables (like carrots)?

There are many juicers out there and not any one juicer is best at juicing everything. I am specifically interested in juicing leafy greens and vegetables like

Best way to juice a pineapple

What's the best way to juice a pineapple? Should the whole fruit be used or should the core be discarded? (I'd prefer a method that doesn't require one of thos

What's an easy to use juicer that juices oranges as well as other fruit?

I would like to buy a juicer for making fruit juice, including orange juice. But the juicers that I've seen fall into one of two categories: Work for all frui

Do centrifugal juicers destroy vitamins through friction?

I've read that in a couple of places.

Uses for juicer pulp

What do you do with juicer pulp? Does it still contain any flavor to make something out of it? How about vitamins?

Can I put other vegetables in a manual wheat grass juicer?

I'm thinking about buying a wheat grass juicer, but the fact that it only juices one thing gives me pause. Are they adequate at juicing vegetables such as spin

Will microwaving lemons make them easier or more efficient to juice?

I've heard many people say that microwaving lemons before juicing them causes them to release more juice. I'm skeptical, although not enough so to ask this on S

What's an efficient way of removing seeds from citrus fruits?

My application is for juicing but I guess it would apply to fruit salads as well. I have an auger-style crushing juicer and roughly remove seeds I see before r

What are the alternatives to fresh apple juice? [closed]

My doctor has told me to drink fresh apple juice in the morning. I am finding it difficult to drink fresh fruit juice daily. Is there anythin

How to turn froth into juice?

When I make juice from vegetables and leafy greens about 1/4 of what comes out of the juicer is froth. Is it possible to mix this froth back into the juice rat

What's the most efficient way to juice halved lemons and limes?

Between squeezers, reamers, and juicers, what's the fastest way to juice small citruses? Limes are cheap in my area, so I'm willing to sacrifice juice per fru

Blender vs food processor vs juicer

When should a blender be used instead of a food processor or instead of a juicer? I'm planning on investing in one of them. I would use if for making smoothies

How to make Banana juice

I have looked up how to make Banana juice because I wondered if it was possible. It turns out that it is. I read that it is best to use a blender for this. Wo

Skin oranges 24-h in advance?

I want to squeeze oranges quickly using the screw-type motorized juicers (e.g. Hurom). It would be good if I can have them pre-supremed and ready to be put in t

How can I tell which limes have the most juice?

I frequently find myself at the grocery store looking at limes for cocktails and wondering which will yield the most juice. Sometimes, a lime will practically

Juicing nectarines

What would be the most effective way of getting most of the juice from nectarine pulp? It seems too thick for a coffee filter and the metal screen I have is sma

What is the difference between tomato juice and passata?

As far as I am aware passata is obtained by crushing tomatoes and then sieving the result without heating. That sounds an awful lot like juice to me. What is th