Category "french-cuisine"

How can I keep the cheese from leaking out of my cordon bleu during cooking?

I use flour to coat, including the ends, and I use toothpicks to hold the wider part shut. Even when I try to fold the cutlet envelope style, most of my cheese

Can clarified butter be used for beurre noir?

The first recipe of "The Nero Wolfe Cook Book" by Rex Stout is for Eggs au beurre noir. For the black butter sauce he gives the following instructions: "In

What's the best way to make Béchamel sauce?

When I make Béchamel sauce I keep getting different results. Sometimes the sauce becomes too liquidy and never seems to firm up. Other times it might ge

How to stuff bread puffs (Gougeres)

The other day someone delighted me to a Stuffed Gougere. Mind you, I've made these delicacies at least 50 times, I've never figured out a way to stuff them with

How do I make macarons de Paris in a neat shape and make them rise with the lip?

I have a recipe for macarons that works well; it says to use 2 trays while baking to get the raised lip. I find if I crust the macarons overnight, that the li

English Translation of Gastronomie Pratique

I was reading Julia Child's autobiography, and she mentioned that she loved the book Gastronomie Pratique by Ali-Bab. It's apparently a classic compendium of Fr

What ingredient adds the sweetness on Croissants in Europe?

I'm travelling in Europe right now, and in France, Spain, and Italy I've had croissants and similar pastries. Unlike the ones I've had in America, these have a

What is this French cuisine technique called, where "a piece of pheasant meat is cooked between two slices of veal, which are then discarded?"

A famed physicist Murray Gell-Mann compared a theoretical machinery in high energy physics theory to a technique in French cuisine, which he described thus:

What are macaron "feet"?

This question mentions macaron "feet". What are macaron feet?

Why did my French onion soup with 'red' onions come out tasteless and bland?

I usually make the French onion soup with white onions. The prodecure I normally use is as followed: I slowly caramelize them on a low heat for around 40min.

What shape is a French omelette and how is it achieved?

I've seen them shaped like a rugby ball (but longer) but geometrically can't see how a circle can be folded into such a shape. I've also ordered French omelett

How do I get the filling inside pâte à choux?

How do I get the filling inside a pâte à choux (cream puff)? Do I have to cut a hole in the baked pastry form? Also, is there a way to get the

Is it possible to have a good crust without prebaking a quiche?

I'm planning on making a quiche (Lorraine with leek to be exact) and I was looking up recipes for quiches. Most recipes call for blind-baking the crust in advan

How can you achieve the glazed top in a mille-feuille?

A mille-feuille (or tompouce) is a pastry, consisting of layers of puff pastry with pastry cream in-between (see this if you don't know it). If you buy it in

How long should snails be cooked?

I used to love the French snails, straight out of the oven in a heavy garlic sauce. Simple question: how long should they be in the oven and at what temperature

What is the standard ratio of sugar to cream in Crème Chantilly?

How many grams of sugar should I use for 250 mL of heavy cream to sweeten it? Some recipes omit sugar entirely, so the lower bound appears to be zero at

What types of snails are made into Escargot?

I am aware that not all snails are edible. Generally speaking, what types of snails are used to make Escargot? What qualities of the snail makes it a good can

New potatoes in pressure cooker with salt: how to optimize water amount and cooking time?

I am trying to replicate a recipe that my father-in-law performed once at home… well, not much of a recipe, rather a cooking style, as you'll see. The i

Why do English recipes of “sauce marchand de vin” call for Worcestershire sauce?

The “sauce marchand de vin” is a French red wine thick sauce typically served with meat. Its recipe in my French cookbooks call for two main ingredi

Hiding the taste of cornstarch in gluten-free bechamel

I tried a few times to make gluten-free béchamel, by using cornflour instead of wheat flour because I have some in my cupboard (for thickening sauces, ev