Category "shopping"

When baking, is it better to use a gas or electric oven?

I'm looking for an oven and wanted to know if there is any difference between a gas or electric oven when it comes to baking things like cakes, biscuits and sco

How can I tell if fish is fresh?

I love fish, and I love cooking it. The thing is, I don't have any idea how to buy fish. Considering common fish in a grocery store (salmon, whitefish, tuna, g

What should I check when buying a pineapple?

I live in middle Europe so pineapple (so called "ananas") is an exotic fruit for me. What should I check when buying a pineapple to make sure it would taste we

Where do you buy your utensils for cooking?

I am looking for good companies for stainless steel.

How to know if Dover Sole is fresh?

How do you know when Dover Sole is fresh? According to this other question, about all fish, you have a few ways to know: the gills should be bright red the sk

What do "virgin" and "extra virgin" mean in regards to olive oil?

I have seen the terms "virgin" and "extra virgin" on bottles of olive oil. What do these terms mean, and how do they affect the flavor and cooking properties of

Do I need a stand mixer to make good pizza dough? If so what should I get?

A lot of recipes I read for pizza dough call for a mixer. Is that the best way? If so, which mixer should I get? I've seen the kitchen aid and a electrolux. Wha

Where can you buy real liver (pref. calf's liver) in the western US?

I have been looking for 14 years for calf's liver. I know that most processing plants render the organs inedible but the rise of the organic meat movement shoul

What is coriander root and where can you get it?

I mentioned the book Thai Food in an answer to another question. This reminded me of one of my longest running quandaries with it. Many of the recipes mention &

What kind of coffee grinder is best?

I need to get a coffee grinder. What kind is best? I have heard that burr mills are better; are they worth the extra cost? Which ones last longer? Update: I

Finding a farmer's market

A lot of people advise getting fresh produce and other ingredients at a farmer's market, where you can find items that are local and high quality, and have vari

How much difference is there between brands of flour?

How much real difference is there between flours (specifically all-purpose) such as King Arthur, Gold Medal at a considerable savings and a store brand which is

What to look for when purchasing a blender?

I currently don't have a blender after purchasing my own home and am looking to get one for making smoothies primarily, but also for pureeing for soups, etc. I

Lump Charcoal vs Briquettes and variations in brands

I've been experimenting with BBQ on a variety of smokers for the past few years. Originally I tried some Kingsford Briquettes and had a hard time managing the

Where can I buy kosher salt in London?

I make a point of taking a few minutes to look around for the stuff whenever I go to a new supermarket / farmers market / ete etc and I haven't been able to fin

What is Zwieback toast and where can I find it?

I am baking a black forest cake and it calls for zwieback toast. I cannot find this anywhere. Does anyone know what this is or where I can find it?

How to buy a molcajete and/or paellera

Is there a way to get a quality molcajete and/or paellera in the U.S., specifically the eastern seaboard? I'd prefer not to fly to Texas, Mexico, or Spain to g

Best online source for spices [closed]

I'm looking or good online sources for spices. Good selection and good prices.

Why do so many cheeses have artificial ingredients?

Here in Europe (and perhaps only in Spain) I've noticed that most of the cheeses (hard and soft, but more often hard) contain an interesting list of artificial

What is a good online resource for purchasing high quality sea salt? [closed]

I would like to purchase some very nice sea salts. There are many sources available online but it is hard to tell what their quality and reput