Category "peaches"

How to peel peaches?

What is the best/easiest method to peel peaches?

How do you make peach soda?

I was at a local brewpub and they had made a peach soda. I have 5 gallon kegs to carbonate with, but how do you make peach soda?

Storing fresh peaches for a long time

We just picked a bunch of peaches off our peach tree this morning. There is additional fruit left on the tree and we already have more than we can eat in the ne

Tips for Removing Fuzz from Peaches?

I like to use peaches with the skin on when possible, but I'm not a big fan of all that fuzz. Does anyone have a fuzz-removal method that works particularly w

Why do you need to peel peaches to can them?

I am going to be canning a bunch of peaches tonight, and I know that you have to peel them first (and I know how to do it easy), but I got to wondering, why do

Pickling green peaches: is the fuzz a must?

Last year, I had to thin the fruit on our peach tree to keep the branches from breaking once the fruit matured. Rather than throw away all the quarter- to half-

Is it safe to eat the white “dots” in peaches?

As you can see there are white "dots" where the seed used to be. Is it OK to eat them? What are they, anyway? (I was worried they're some parasite or diseas

How to get the pits out of clingstone peaches for peach butter

I'm making peach butter. The recipe I have uses the skin on the peaches (you put the peaches in a blender, put them in the slow cooker with sugar and spices, t

How many cups is 8 whole peaches equivalent to?

I have some fresh peaches that have been peeled and sliced and mixed with some sugar and a little lemon (approx 1/2 a bushel). All the recipes I can find only

Can I keep canned peaches in the fridge if water got in during processing?

I followed all the rules to a tee. Unfortunately, before immersing jars for final boiling, I apparently did not tighten the lids enough. I just took them out

How can I use these peaches in a box cake mix?

I have a box of Super Moist cake mix, butter recipe Yellow. It calls for 1 cup of water, 1/3 cup butter, softened, and 3 eggs. I also have a 15 ounce can of Sl

How to store fresh peaches?

I bought fresh, ripe peaches, and I don't eat them super fast. I want them to last fresh for as long as possible. How should I store them? Helpful details woul

Sour cream peach pecan pie

In this recipe it says to use 2 tablespoons of peach preserves what can I use in place of the preserve? My supermarket does not have it.

Looking for peach preserves substitute

I'm making a dish that that has a "sweet and sour" sauce to it. The recipe calls for apricot and peach preserves. Unfortunately I am highly allergic to peache

Storing peaches

We are considering buying a fairly large box of fresh peaches. I want them to continue to have that fresh peach taste through the winter. Can we lay them out

Why do you use sugar when canning peaches or pears?

I’m going to be canning peaches and pears and most instruction say to use sugar. Is sugar a preservative for the fruit or is it just for taste? I would