Category "low-fat"

How much fat does "low fat" cheese have?

I was wondering how low is a "low" in low-fat cheese. It can't be 0%, because then cheese wouldn't exist, right? :) In my country, there's something called "fr

Is it possible to make fudgy brownies without oil?

What can I substitute for oil in brownies and still get fudgy brownies? I've tried yogurt and sour cream (individually) and only replacing half the oil with one

Peanut-Butter Treat - Using Less Sugar and Less Butter

I'm making a chocolate covered peanut-butter treat this weekend. I'm going to play with the recipe, to have less fat and calories, and I'd like some suggestion

Cooking up onions, without oil

For a while now I have been trying to reduce my intake of fried food, or food otherwise cooked with oil. However I still make a lot of things with onions, and I

fat-free pudding

I would like to make fat-free pudding like Jello fat-free pudding mix, but I don't want to use a box mix. Is there a way to make fat-free pudding from scratch?

How do I flavor popcorn with a minimal amount of fat?

I have a popcorn machine that produces popcorn without using fat. It basically blows hot air over the kernels, and after 2 minutes they start popping. You're n

What can I substitute for puff pastry?

I have a recipe that calls for me to roll up turkey in puff pastry. What can I use as a substitute for the puff pastry, preferably that is lower in saturated fa

How can I reduce the fat in a white wine and parsley sauce?

For Xmas I was given a steamer. This is good as I, as I expect a lot of people in the world have done, have resolved to lose some weight this year. Now I under

Distributing small amounts of oil around a non-stick pan

I have difficulty evenly distributing oils (butter, chicken or bacon fat, and other oils) around a non-stick pan. Of course I can use cooking spray, but I need

Difference between "real mayonnaise" and "mayonnaise dressing"

This is something I can't seem to make sense of, even after reading the ingredient lists. The non-reduced-fat Hellman's dressing is marketed as "real mayonnais

Having trouble getting lower fat fluffy pancakes with baking soda approach

I have a baking soda and vinegar pancake recipe that uses too much butter for my liking. When I reduced the butter content, the pancakes seemed too thin and cri

Are there low-fat substitutes for shortening in baking?

My husband has just had stints put into his heart and is now on a fat/salt/sugar diet. I do all the cooking and enjoy making things from scratch. I am trying

Will lowfat cream cheese keep filling from setting?

I made a cream pie filling out of 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 1 block cream cheese and 1 large cool whip. While it tasted fantastic, it did not set. I did u

Which cooking method gives the leanest bacon?

I've recently discovered the joy that is baking bacon. It's made me curious: does baked bacon render out more fat than pan-fried? How about microwaved?

Alternative to low calorie spray for frying sausages?

My wife has recently decreed that we are to use low-calorie sprays instead of oil. For the most part, these seem fine. However, I have been through several di

Adding Pure Oleogustus Flavor

Recent scientific research indicates that there's a sixth taste, oleogustus. Responsible for the flavorful taste of fat in small quantities, and rancidity in la

mousse with liquid in bottom

I made 2 mousses. One typical and one was an attempt for something new. Both turned out with liquid in the bottom. I made both with egg whites. Did I not beat t

Fat free dumplings?

There is nothing like beef stew and dumplings, yet I am trying to eat more healthily. Is there any way to make fat free or at least low-fat suet type dumplings

Fat free cooking in 18/10 stainless steel cookware

I'm considering a set of stainless steel cookware from either AllClad or Inoxia Both cookwares are made of 18/10 stainless steel but Inoxia states you can cook

Reducing fat content in thick chicken stock

My chicken stock is very gelatinous (good) but it didn't have a layer of fat to skim off. How can I reduce the fat content?