Category "fermentation"

How does Korean chili powder differ from "US" chili powder?

I've been looking at a number of kim chi recipes and they all call for 'Korean chili powder'. My visit to the local Asian grocer only yielded 'Asian' chili pow

Looking for non-standard (i.e. no dill) fermented pickle suggestions [closed]

I'm looking for some outside the box ideas for fermented (sour) pickles. Fermented pickles only use a salt water brine, spices and some time.

How to properly freeze kefir grains

I have been making kefir regularly for a couple years. Lately, however, my family's interest in it has waned and I have been using it less often and so feeding

cabbage - volume to weight conversion?

I am making sauerkraut, and don't have a handy kitchen scale. What is the approximate volume of 1 lb of cabbage? Also, any advice on saurkraut making would be

Dried apricots smell of alcohol?

I recently opened a container of store-bought dried apricots and they smell vaguely of fermentation/alcohol. I've never noticed this before. They taste fine,

Uses for Old bread dough

I found some old bread dough that I had left, sealed in tupperware, in my fridge. It has a powerful fermented smell, but doesn't appear to be moldy or otherwise

What are the nutritional data for water kefir?

What are the nutritional data for (strained) water kefir, compared to the starting sugar water? I would expect there to be less carbohydrates and more vitami

Has anyone ever tried birch sap as a tonic?

According to this blog posting, birch sap is very popular in Russia as a drink. Further, I read in wikipedia that it is popular enough to be bottled and sold co

How to ferment dosa batter?

I have never been successful in fermenting dosa batter properly in the US. I generally soak urad dal, rice and fenugreek seeds for a few hours and grind them to

How do I fix overly yeasty kefir?

My milk kefir grains now produce kefir with a very unpleasant yeasty/bready flavor. I've tried feeding it for a while, on the assumption that the yeast/bacteri

How can I make my own vinegar?

How can I turn excess wine into delicious wine vinegar at home? For those who have done it, are there any useful tips to get the best results? I do not have

Is it necessary to skim the scum off of fermenting pickles?

The sour (fermented) pickle recipe that I am following states: Check the crock every day. Skim any mold from the surface, but don’t worry if you can

To slow down the fermentation process of a food in a can

I am particularly interested in the histamine's creation in a can because I need to deal with allergies. Possible Factors to me which affects to histamine's cre

Can you make your own black garlic?

I've seen black garlic--fermented garlic with a complex flavor--used a number of times on TV cooking shows, but I've never tried it. The description of the fla

Can I ferment black garlic intermittently?

Following this black garlic tutorial and in reference to this SA question, I would like to try making myself black garlic, and to try fermenting the garlic to d

What happens during a cold fermentation that makes bread taste so good?

Many techniques for bread highlight a long cold fermentation. I've read that this gives enzymes more time to work and it contributes to a more 'complex' flavor

My sauerkraut brine seems slightly slimy but the batch otherwise seems normal--is it ok?

Recently I started a batch of sauerkraut, the first after several years. Unlike my previous batches this one is much smaller (half a head of cabbage, as oppose

What is the difference between a poolish and a biga?

Both poolish and biga are pre-ferments. Poolish is a French name, biga an Italian term. What other differences are there between the two? Just to give some dir

Exploding or alcoholic soda

Well, I tried to follow a very simple recipe from "Cooking for Geeks" for Ginger Lemon Soda. I made a simple ginger syrup by cooking ~200g of chopped ginger t

How do I calculate the final acidity of homemade vinegar?

I am making vinegar by mixing vinegar (containing the mother) and wine, and then allowing fermentation to occur. I am wondering how to calculate the final % ac