Category "vintage-cooking"

'Sweet milk' substitute in an old recipe

I have an old pancake recipe (circa 1930) that I would like to try. However it includes as an ingredient "sweet milk." Having never seen such a thing in stores.

What is a stem pan?

I have a vintage cookbook, from Charlotte, North Carolina and about 1958, that has a recipe for “Different Applesauce Cake”. It says to “Cook

What is a refrigerator tray in older recipes?

Many older cookbooks call for filling a “refrigerator tray”. For example, in the 1960 Better Homes and Gardens Dessert Cook Book the recipe for &ldq

What is a “small cup” in Australia and/or old recipes?

In older or Australian recipes, is “small cup” a specific (if not quite standardized) measurement? If so, what, approximately, is that measurement?

Boil candy for 1-½ hours to soft ball stage?

I’ve recently run across a recipe in a vintage cookbook (probably the fifties, as the phone numbers in it are exchange numbers) for “Two-Hour Candy&

What is Baker’s Cookie Coconut?

The Joys of Jell-O, on page 73, has a recipe for Marzipan that calls for “1 package (7 oz.) Baker’s Cookie Coconut”. This product doesn’