Category "grains"

What is the difference between cracked wheat and wheatgerm?

What is the difference between cracked wheat and wheatgerm? I have used both items in completely different contexts - cracked wheat in salad and wheatgerm in m

What is the basic technique for cooking amaranth?

I wanted to cook some amaranth grains. The back of the package said to cook 1 part amaranth and 3 parts water until soft, then let them soak for another 30 minu

Why didn't my 100% whole wheat bread proof?

After enjoying many of the recipes out of The Bread Baker's Apprentice I moved on to Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads to learn about how to make hearth-style

How can I make whole grains stick to the top of bread?

I want to bake bread or bagels that have whole grains like poppy seeds, cumin, caraway, etc. stuck to the top. I have tried just pressing them to the top but t

What rice should I use when a recipe asks for "short grain rice"?

If a recipe says "short grain rice", which would be the correct rice to use?

How to sprout quinoa (and other grains) safely

I've recently begun sprouting my own grains but I've found (no matter the method I use) that they tend to be too...crunchy? My boyfriend described my last batch

How to separate milk kefir grains?

How many kefir grains will make a quart size of kefir? I think I have too many grains in one batch. I also am still a novice, been at this five months. I enjoy

Are Farro (Triticum dicoccum) and Spelta (Triticum spelta) interchangeable?

I can't find Farro (Triticum dicoccum) where I live and Spelta (Triticum spelta) is relatively common. How interchangeable are they? What should I expect if I

What grains are gluten free?

I know wheat is the common problem when avoiding gluten, but what about other grains, like barley, rye, or oats?

Soaking millet before making ogi

I have a recipe for making Ogi - soured mixed millet, that calls for soaking whole millet grains, then blending them, then souring them with whey for three days

How to add savor to a squash and grain mix?

My friend and I have been making a sort of health mash for the past few weeks in large batches. The ingredients are something like: 1 sweet potato 1 butternut

Quick pressure release vs natural pressure release

I have read recipies that suggest letting the pressure naturally release when cooking grains in a pressure cooker. I've always just released the pressure quickl

Will mustard seeds soften in a sauce?

do mustard seeds melt into a dish if they are an ingredient in making a sauce? if not, would they be strained out after a specific lenght of time? Do they get

What is the meaning of the term whole grain?

Often I have read that whole grains are healthy. So, what is a whole grain and what is a non-whole grain? The Pasta I have says "Durum wheat" as the ingredient

Why do some quinoa seeds sink and some float?

I was boiling quinoa the other day and I noticed that, when I dumped them in a pot of water, a minority of seeds (maybe 10%) floated and the rest sank. Why do

What hot cereals can I cook by just adding hot water?

I eat instant oatmeal at my office desk every morning. I think I can also get instant grits and maybe cream of wheat or something, but what other hot cereals ca

Is it possible to use Coffee Mill for other grain?

I'm in Argentina here I cannot fing buckwheat flour so I bought instead buckwheat grain and I want to mill it to get flour.... but I don't arrive to find a tr

What is the difference between Seed, Grain, Nut, Kernel, Pit, Bean?

What is the difference between Seed, Grain, Nut, Kernel, Pit, Bean? Seed (as in apple) Grain (as in wheat), fruit Nut (as in almond) Kernel (as in corn) Pit (

hominy grits versus masa harina

Masa harina is the corn flour used by Latin Americans to make corn tortillas. If you live in the west or southwest US it's available in regular grocery stores.

Is cereal supposed to be cooked?

I saw many people eat cereal by pouring in milk. I don't have milk. Is boiling or microwaving cereal in water a good idea? Or should I cool drinking water to