Category "low-carb"

What is a suitable Low carb rice alternative?

For the first time since i started dieting, I'm making a stir fry dish for dinner. Usually, I include white rice with the finished product to absorb some of the

How do I make my cheese "crackers" less greasy?

To provide my diabetic guests with a low-carb option for dipping, I make cheddar cheese "crackers" by melting small mounds of cheddar on a silpat at 400° F.

100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?

I'm looking for a 100% rye pizza base recipe. The recipes I can find all combine the rye with other flours (typically wheat based). I know it is possible to cre

What are the most effective wheat flour substitutes?

While not something I'm overly dogmatic about I try to keep my carbohydrate intake relatively low, especially during the day so as to not become tired. I've fo

Using spaghetti squash for 'pasta'

I've recently gotten into making primal/paleo cooking, i.e. (no grains,legumes,processed foods) and have been meaning to try spaghetti w/meat sauce with spaghet

Low Carb Pizza Dough Recipe - How Will This Make Dough?

I have found a low-carb pizza dough recipe where you add 6oz of Cream Cheese and 6 eggs to make the dough (also includes some garlic, spices, and cheese). The

Flavourless Carb Free Thickeners

Can you suggest any Carb Free thickeners that don't affect the flavour of soups/casseroles?

Does Splenda caramelize?

Do any of you know if splenda caramelizes and melts like regular sugar? My parents are doing a low-carb, low-sugar diet and I'd love to surprise them with some

What kind of alcohol has least carbohydrates?

I'm looking for types of alcohols which have least carbohydrates. I'm looking for more of a ranking than just a single one, as it would be clean spirit, wouldn'

How can low-carb bread rise?

As far as I know, yeast helps the dough rise by eating away some of the sugar in the flour. But if we make low-carb bread (with, say, soya flour), yeast has not

Almond Flour pancakes

I have this really tasty recipe for pancakes that use almond flour and whey protein (along with Ricotta cheese and lemon). However, the problem is, these panca

Does caramelizing an onion increase its non-dietary fiber carbohydrates?

I'm on a low-carb diet and would like to know if caramelizing an onion increases its carbohydrate content. I'm primarily interested in "net carbs," so dietary

hints for low-carb wraps

Lately two different bags from two different makers of low net carbohydrate wraps have arrived home with the entire mass stuck together. In both cases the expir

How can I make my no carb sausages more succulent?

I'm trying to find a way to make my home made English sausages more like shop bought English sausages (I'm saying English here as I'm pretty sure sausages aroun

Is it possible to create this low calorie high fiber brownies?

I have been looking at some of the low calorie brownie options online and have not found one I can sink my teeth into, without worrying about my hips. So I deci

How are commercial protein bars made so dense?

I am trying to make protein bars at home from protein powder and natural sweeteners. I have basically all the ingredients mentioned on the pack, but mine come o

What kinds of milk are low in carbs?

What kinds of milk are low in carbs? I have heard about coconut milk but I'm not sure what's best. PS: I am from India, maybe someone might want this info:-)

Replacement for pasta that is natural and fairly low carb

I'm looking for something with the physical properties of pasta (spaghetti or similar, not lasagne). Something that I can toss with a sauce or oil and serve in

What ratio of rice is needed for lentils to be a "complete protein"?

From what I understand Lentil needs Rice for the maximum benefit of its high protein quantity, of course that will then increase the carbs. What is the minimum

How to cook for a diabetic without making the other guests suffer

I'm looking to host a big dinner and want to make it as diabetic-friendly as possible. I'm also looking to not make special diabetic-friendly dishes that only 1