Category "faq"

Time vs. Temperature - What changes what?

Really basic question that's bugging me... Speaking mathematically, 200 degrees of heat for 10 minutes should be the same as 400 degrees of heat for 5 minutes

What makes a moist steak (or roast)?

When cooking steak on my grill it seems that even at a steady temp of 350 Degrees F and for 20 minutes the steak seems to change in the way of texture. I get my

How can you tell when a roast is done?

How can you tell when a roast is done? How long should they roast for?

What makes a moist steak (or roast)?

When cooking steak on my grill it seems that even at a steady temp of 350 Degrees F and for 20 minutes the steak seems to change in the way of texture. I get my

The container of my food is domed/bulged, is it spoiled?

This happens every now and then. It can be a package of fresh mozzarella, or a jar of marmelade, or something else. The packaging used to be flat, now it is plu