Category "beverages"

How to chill beer quickly?

We all know the situation. The party is about to begin, it's really hot outside and we forget to put the beer (or similar drink) into the fridge... What is yo

How do you make peach soda?

I was at a local brewpub and they had made a peach soda. I have 5 gallon kegs to carbonate with, but how do you make peach soda?

Bubble Tea - Instant or Traditional Pearls

Is there any evidence that instant or traditional tapioca pearls - for bubble tea - are a better choice if I'm looking for a pearl that is very soft with just a

Bagged or Loose Leaf Tea

What are the practical differences between using bagged vs. loose leaf tea? Are there differences in quality, caffeine content, etc.? Why?

Ingredients of Root Beer

I want to make root beer, what are the ingredients required to produce that signature flavor?

Re-use rice for multiple batches of horchata?

After a making a batch of horchata, I always feel wasteful throwing away all of the uncooked rice. Can it be re-used for another batch, or has it given up its

Why do you put celery in a bloody mary?

Why do you put celery in a bloody mary? Is there a chemical reason for this or is it done just for garnish?

Are there thermo bottles to store tea, as soon as it is made (100ºC/212ºF)?

I'm looking for a thermo bottle (~ 1 Litre/ 33 oz) to store tea, as soon as it is made (let's say its temperature will be around 100 Celsius/ 212 Fahrenheit. I

How to do hot spiced apple cider without apple cider?

When I lived in the United States, I developed an addiction to hot apple cider. I relied on powder mixes (Alpine, Mott's and so on) - just adding hot water to t

What type of tea should I use to make Thai Iced Tea?

I love the sweet iced tea you get at Thai restaurants, and want to make my own at home. I used to buy a concentrated solution online (added water and half and

What's a good way to taste a variety of alcoholic beverages? [closed]

I've never been too keen on alcoholic beverages since trying things growing up and not liking them. However, I try to keep an open mind and wo

How to prevent my marshmallows from melting in my hot cocoa?

Whenever I make a hot cocoa, adding powdered cocoa in a hot water (not boiling), and add my marshmallows in it, the marshmallows just melts until they are compl

Why does tea become bitter if brewed too hot or too long?

To try to narrow the scope and help deduce an answer to this question, I'm wondering: Why does tea become bitter if brewed too hot or too long?

What's really happening when reusing tea leaves?

I reuse my green tea bags three or even four times with little to no loss in flavor. But it's a pain to reheat water to the correct temperature after I'm done

Stockpot double as beer brewing pot

I wanted to buy a large stockpot for canning tomato sauce and be able to use the same pot for the double purpose of beer brewing. I'm considering Update Interna

How can I safely reuse tea?

I regularly reuse my tea bags, sometimes over as much as a five hour span. I am sure that there are limits to the safe re-use of tea, but I can't find any USD

After how long is boiled milk tea consumable?

I made tea with milk in the morning and had it in the evening. Is it is safe? After how much time, does it become unconsumable?

Trying to find the actual name of an eastern european distilled beverage

this is hopefully a simple question. I have had several friends from Eastern Europe, and they often visited with a bottle of a family-style distilled beverage.

Does black tea have the highest level of caffeine? If so, why?

It's said that tea, in general, has lower levels of caffeine than coffee, and that black tea has more caffeine than green tea (which has more caffeine than whit

Is it possible to make a beverage that evaporates on contact with the consumer's tongue?

In one episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation Guinan makes a Tzartak Aperitif, which is described as: When made properly, the evaporation point of the dr