Category "pickling"

I wanted to make homemade pickles, does it matter what type of salt I use?

I've got the spices, jars, etc. I was wondering if there is a special salt, or can I just use table salt?

Looking for non-standard (i.e. no dill) fermented pickle suggestions [closed]

I'm looking for some outside the box ideas for fermented (sour) pickles. Fermented pickles only use a salt water brine, spices and some time.

What variety of green beans make the best pickled green beans?

I grow bush and pole bean of various varieties, mostly to make pickled green beans. I want to find a variety to grow that is string - free, long and straight, b

How long should I wait before I lift the lid of my sauerkraut crock?

I have 5 - 6 lbs of sauerkraut in a crock with a water vacuum seal. I read that the first 24 - 48 hours are crucial to the success of the kraut. I also read th

What's the purpose of sugar in a pickling solution?

This might seem like a dumb question, but I am going to make a pickled pepper relish of sorts that is really just chopped carrot, onion, and habanero pepper coo

Do you have to refrigerate Pickles?

So last weekend the wife and I got a huge jar of pickles at Costco. The thing is bigger than a gallon of milk (the wife really loves her pickles). There reall

Pickling Peppers

I want to pickle the banana peppers, jalepenos and bell peppers from my garden. I have a small sandwich bag full of banana peppers so far, but no more than tha

How to combat odor from pickled radishes inside refrigerator?

I know the question is related to How to get rid of the smell from the fridge?. At the same time, I am curious about possible additives as part of the pickling

How can I turn my pasta salad into a pickle?

A pickle that would preserve it for a week? Would it ruin the taste of the pasta salad?

Is it necessary to skim the scum off of fermenting pickles?

The sour (fermented) pickle recipe that I am following states: Check the crock every day. Skim any mold from the surface, but don’t worry if you can

Botulism risk with refrigerated items

Is there any risk of botulism from refrigerator pickling or brining? (referring to both meat and slices of vegetables/fruit) I've read about the subject a fair

How to sweeten pickled ginger to be served with sushi?

I bought a jar of pickled ginger from the local asian food market to go along with the sushi I have been preparing at home. This texture of this ginger is hard

Pickling without Sterilization - Is It Safe?

Is this recipe safe? The author is making pickles without sterilizing the jars first and I've ALWAYS read that you have to sterilize the jars first.

Can you pickle avocados?

I wanted to see if anyone has tried to pickle avocados? Mostly I am interested to use only vinegar, and/or salt.

My sauerkraut brine seems slightly slimy but the batch otherwise seems normal--is it ok?

Recently I started a batch of sauerkraut, the first after several years. Unlike my previous batches this one is much smaller (half a head of cabbage, as oppose

Reusing pickle brine

So I just finished a jar of home-made pickles. They were excellent! Not too salty, a bit spicy, very good. They were so good that I'd like to get some more pick

Can water cause fermented pickles to spoil?

I recently learned about Indian lemon pickles. There is a lot of variation between recipes but the ones I am trying consist of chopping lemons or limes, addin

Pickles are really salty (lactic fermenation)

I decided to make pickles following a recipe that our crop-share association (CSA) suggested: Three Secrets To Crispy Pickles, And A 'Lost Recipe' Found. After

Can I make pickled eggs that don't require refrigeration?

This time of year I have a ton of extra eggs. In the winter I have fewer. I have, therefore, been experimenting with egg preservation techniques. I like pickle

What is the difference in flavor between a fermented pickle and a vinegar pickle?

I'm interested in experimenting with pickling, and I'm wondering what the difference in flavor is between a classically fermented pickle and one made using vine