Category "asparagus"

Should asparagus be peeled before cooking?

I have it from two sources that asparagus should be peeled before being cooked in simmering water (Julia Child) or fried in butter (Heston Blumenthal). I tried

How long to cook asparagus on a BBQ?

I'm going to be grilling some asparagus which I have never done before. How long should I be having them on the grill so that they're not all mushy and soft?

Is asparagus generally recognized as the best vegetable, and why? [closed]

In Germany, everybody knows that asparagus is "the king of vegetables", especially the white variety. When the season starts, there is an aspa

What's the best way to store asparagus?

What's the best way to store asparagus so that it stays fresh and crisp, rather than getting droopy?

How do I cook chicken and asparagus over an open fire?

I have some chicken breasts and some asparagus that I want to cook tomorrow whilst we're out camping for midsummer. The fire will have a grate over it probabl

What is the difference between white and green asparagus?

Is there any difference between white and green asparagus in terms of taste, texture, etc? I've had green asparagus lots of times but never white asparagus.

What's the skinny on fat asparagus?

I had always heard that pencil thin asparagus is the best, and that has always been what I look for. But now I've heard from a few (what I would consider reliab

Refrigerator pickles in plastic?

This year I'm going to try my hand at pickling. I've found recipes for asparagus refrigerator pickles that sound good, but they all say to use mason jars. I hav

Microwave Asparagus?

I have a ton of asparagus but no time to cook it the traditional steamer way. Is there a recommended microwave method someone would recommend? Earlier today I s

Why does asparagus microwave so fast?

I've also been surprised by how fast asparagus heats up in the microwave. Is there a particular reason for this? My understanding is that microwaves heat by tr

Why does my asparagus turn out too chewy?

When I make asparagus, I cut off the ends and boil them in water for about 5 minutes. I discard the ends, and add the other half of the (uncooked) asparagus int

Cooked white asparagus is stringy

Everytime I cook white asparagus it has these strings in it, which are not really pleasant. Is it normal thing? Or I am doing something wrong? I peel asparagus

How can I successfully glaze asparagus?

I've tried making this recipe a few times, and the glaze never really sticks to the asparagus. I feel like there should be a better technique for getting glaze

What are the triangular shaped markings on asparagus called?

An Asparagus shoot has triangular shaped markings on it. I'm wondering what they're called and why there there (if possible)

Frozen Asparagus after thawed became extremely soggy and wet, any way to salvage?

So I bought a bunch of asparagus from Costco and because I didn't want to use them immediately, I froze them. This week I decided to take them out to thaw in th

First time cooking/eating asparagus, what's the best way to cook it? [closed]

So I'm going to bake some salmon fillets today along with potatoes and hollandaise sauce. I always see asparagus being eaten with salmon so

Is this canned Asparagus any good?

What are the odd sprouts at the ends of them? Exp date is good. I've seen this frequently now. I usually just cut off the ends and eat it anyway.

Breading Asparagus

Making asparagus ”breadsticks” “Dip the asparagus first into the flour, then the egg and finally into the bread crumb mixture.” I&rsqu

Why cut and discard the base of asparagus, before dipping in water?

Please see this City Super video clip. Why do they recommend truncating the base in step #3 (將蘆筍末端切掉) before st

What's this off-white particulate stuff on my pickled asparagus?

I just opened a new jar of Foster's pickled asparagus and discovered off-white particulate matter on the stalks: The stuff can be scraped off with a fingernail