Category "canning"

Pressure canning instructions

Where can safe and reliable instructions (including high and low altitude canning) be found for canning?

How to recover jam that has set too hard?

Every time I make jam I always manage to set it too hard. Is there any way to recover it once it's done this?

Culinarily Flexible Pepper

I'm planning next years garden, and want to know what the most culinary flexible pepper to plant would be. I plan on using peppers for canning & chili.

Why is my blueberry jam grainy?

I recently made and canned blueberry jam for the first time, using this recipe and canning instructions. I filled all my jars & canned them, but there was

I wanted to make homemade pickles, does it matter what type of salt I use?

I've got the spices, jars, etc. I was wondering if there is a special salt, or can I just use table salt?

Method of canning without pressure canner?

I'm debating canning but I don't have a pressure canner. I was just wondering what the best method to can would be since I don't want to get botulism and I want

What are the costs to consider when making jam?

I am trying to dertermine what kinds of jam are particularly cost-effective to make at home. I have been given a few bits of equipment for jam making, and am

Do you need a pressure cooker to can home-made salsa?

I grew my own tomatoes this year and had success with making my own salsa. Do you need a pressure cooker to can home-made salsa?

Minimum procedure for sterilizing mason jars for canning

My wife and I are about to do some tomato canning tomorrow. We have a bunch of mason jars that we didn't have time to sterilize. She thinks that just washing t

Will botulism growing in my home-canned vegetables pop the lid?

I remember that in my biology class in high school the teacher told showed us a puffed up can of pineapples which he claimed had botulism in it. Is that remo

Why do you need to peel peaches to can them?

I am going to be canning a bunch of peaches tonight, and I know that you have to peel them first (and I know how to do it easy), but I got to wondering, why do

Why peel tomatoes?

Everyone seems to think it is necessary to peel tomatoes before canning or freezing them. Since I do not peel tomatoes when I'm cooking with them (soups, salsa,

How long is SPAM really good for?

I wanted to buy some SPAM for my zombie apocalypse survival kit, and I noticed that it had an expiration date in 2013. Should I be concerned? I've heard it will

Does canning stock raise its temperature too high?

I've read that the ideal way to make stock is to: crack the large bones place the carcass in a stock pot cover with water bring it to a simmer (not a boil)

Ball Canning Jars: Use them over and over?

A simple question: Can I seal and reseal Ball canning jars over and over? How long before the seal gets busted usually? Also, how do you clean the rubber sea

Will a dishwasher sterilize bottles for canning?

I'm making tomato relish. Can I sterilize jars adequately by putting them in the dishwasher?

Can you safely can homemade caramel/butterscotch syrup?

I've done canning of jams and jellies. I would like to make caramel and butterscotch syrups and jar them to give away, too, but I'm not sure if this is do-able

Can I can vegetables using sous-vide?

My girlfriend and I were talking about the summer produce season approaching and hit on the idea of canning sous-vide. That is, rather than sterilizing by high

How to make Grape Must

I just bought some grape must - it's a must on spinach salad! I am thinking of turning some of my own homemade concord grape juice into the same. Any advice, ot

Plum preserving/storage method that tastes like plums, not prunes (I just picked 30 lbs)

I just did some neighborhood foraging and picked 30 pounds of red plums. They are delicious, but even I will have trouble eating them all this week. Last year