Category "bagels"

Amount of food to prepare for bagel & lox brunch

I'm putting on a bagel & lunch brunch this weekend for 40 people. I figure 2 bagels per person. How much lox should I need? How much cream cheese?

How to prepare eggs in shape suited for bagel?

I often buy an egg bagel from the local coffee shop. The egg is cooked to a shape that is perfect for the bagel. From my observation it is a scrambled mixture t

Bagels not rising

I recently made bagels following this recipe, but they didn't pass the "float test" (see step 10). I took them out of the fridge for an hour, put one in a bowl

What Garlic to use for Garlic Bagels

I have had great success making seeded bagels; I boil the bagels in water with baking soda and a little sugar, and any kind of seed sticks to the outside and ba

Bagels - Baking Soda or Sugar in the Water?

I'm looking at highly rated bagel recipes. I'm surprised that many (if not most) of the recipes call for sugar in the water the bagels are boiled in instead of

Getting poppy seeds to stick to bagel

I've been trying to top my homemade bagels with poppy seeds but haven't had much luck getting them to stick. The instructions I've found says to boil the bagel

What are bagel chips?

This recipe for southern-fried chicken mentions something called "bagel chips." What exactly are bagel chips, and how do you make them? All I can find are rec

What does the "bagel" setting on toasters do?

Usually, I put slices of bread in my toaster. Sometimes, I toast bagels. On my toaster, there's a little button that says "bagel". How does this setting toas

How to refresh a frozen bagel

My kids like their bagels like they just came from the oven or the bagel bakery with a crisp crust and soft chewy center. However, it is not practical to make b

Bagel Failure - what happened?

Last night we tried to make bagels. We used this quick video online to give us the basics in terms of process and then we used the measurements from this websit

What is an appropriate water to yeast ratio for hydrating yeast for bagels?

I've been doing a lot of bagel making lately... my bagels are "on point", except they aren't rising as much as you would see in a typical bagel shop... in fact,

Bagels - Use of Barley Malt Syrup or Non-Diastatic Malt Powder

When using a water bath for bagels what is preferred to attain the nice brown exterior, Barley Malt Syrup or Non-Diastatic Malt Powder? I see recipes that use e

Why refrigerate bagels after shaping dough?

I've noticed that recipes for bagels call for a refrigeration period after shaping. Why does it matter if the refrigeration is done after shaping? The shaped

Why are the cinnamon sugar bagels I buy becoming so wet?

Every time I get a bagel box from Bruegger's Bagels, I get a few cinnamon sugar coated ones for the sweet-toothed people in my office. They look fine at first a

Mix AP and bread flour for bagels?

I live in a rural part of the country. NO BAGEL SHOPS! I've started experimenting on making my own. Bread flour makes the end product too dense. AP flour too li

Substituting maltose for barley malt syrup in bagels

Can I substitute Chinese-style maltose (麥芽糖 if you want to search it up) for barley malt syrup in bagels? From what I understand, the flav

Does my "bagel flour" need malt powder added?

I purchased some "super bagel flour" that lists these ingredients: Bleached Wheat Flour Enriched Malted Barley Flour Potassium Bromate Is "malted barley flou

Bagels: Flat, no rise, gummy inside. Over kneading?

Edit: thanks for all the advice! I worked these half as much, and made sure to let them cool. Great, round results!! To start, I'm using this recipe: https:/

Why did I get wrinkled bagels?

I made bagels for the first time yesterday. I followed the bagels tasted great...but they ended up "wrinkled" after baking. It was a copycat r

Why Do Bagels Take Longer To Toast Than Regular Bread?

My brother's been bringing over fresh bagels in the morning. I've noticed that it takes nearly twice as long for a bagel to develop a toasted surface than a re