Category "tempering"

What is the purpose of tempering chocolate?

What is the purpose of tempering chocolate? If I'm dipping something in chocolate, can I get by with just melting the chocolate?

Bizarre: Chocolate tempering is good on the outside

I poured some undertempered chocolate into molds (as practice). Out of the molds, the exterior of the shells were glossy, clear, and hard as is well-tempered ch

No-melt chocolate coating on ice cream bars

I just discovered the fascinating world of tempering chocolate. I've read about it before, but I never tried it until recently. So, being the adventurous fello

How can I tell if my chocolate is tempered?

How can you tell if chocolate is already tempered? I have some bulk Bernard Callebaut milk chocolate chips.

Is it possible to temper chocolate at home?

I've read that tempering chocolate is the only way to get glossy, 'snappable' results. I've also read that it can be a complicated process involving precise tem

How can I avoid seizing chocolate? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How can you melt chocolate without it getting wet? When tempering chocolate over a water bath, how can I avoid get

Why would dipping a cold item in chocolate "help" with tempering?

I took a chocolate dipping class last week. The instructors gave us globs of chocolate to temper on a marble surface, and lots of ingredients to coat in the ch

Tempering chocolate: ± 2 °C too much?

I am planning to buy a laser thermometer to measure the temperature of melted chocolate for tempering it. As I have found out, the thermometer I want to buy has

Trouble tempering Valrhona Couverture Manjari (64%) Chocolate

I have tried to temper equal amounts of Valrhona Couverture Manjari (64%) chocolate + baking chocolate (Van-Heusen brand, dark chocolate) without any success.

Mixing cooking chocolate with normal chocolate

I have some cooking chocolate and I have some chocolate seashells. I've had the chocolate seashells for some time now and I want to use them because I don't wan

Add Cocoa Butter to Chocolate Chips to Temper?

Thanks to a well meaning neighbor, I am now the less than proud owner of 8lbs of Nestle Chocolate Chips. Not only do I not really love making cookies, Nestle C

Can you add alcohol to chocolate being tempered?

I want to make a tempered white chocolate coating with brandy flavour. Will adding the alcohol ruin the tempering process, or is there another way of going abou

Tempering raw cacao for coating

I have a 2-pound block of dark no-sugar-at-all chocolate, and I want to use some of it as coating for candies or popsicles. It's 100% raw cacao, so I'm thinking

Does tempered chocolate remain tempered and only needs liquefying?

I tempered a few bars of chocolate yesterday and it was a successful experience. Then I stored the remaining in the fridge. If I liquefy it, is it tempered choc

How-to Cut Baking Chocolate bar clean for perfect squares

My recipe calls for 1/2 square of baking chocolate per cookie. But trying to cut thru the bar into the indicated squares just crumble and are not neat or exact.

Are there any situations where untempered chocolate is better than tempered?

Every chocolate-based recipe I've seen either requires tempered chocolate or can use either tempered or untempered chocolate. Are there any recipes or technique

Why do patterns appear on tempered chocolate?

Sometimes, during a single session, spots and lines may appear on tempered chocolate. This seems to happen with the first third of production. Chocolates pro

Chemically, what happens when you temper an egg?

Chemically speaking, what happens when you temper an egg? Why doesn't it simply cause the eggs to solidify or scramble?

Problem making homemade bounty bars

I tried making homemade bounty bars twice but there is a problem I can't seem to get the solution to this problem right. What I do is as follows: I first mix

What does non-tempered couverture chocolate taste like?

I was reading that couverture chocolate is apparently "real" chocolate that requires proper tempering to have the right texture and shine. What if I don't tem