Category "charcoal"

How do I prevent smoked brisket from being chewy?

Last night I smoked my first brisket. I used a charcoal smoker which was given to me. I followed the advice given to me by the previous owner coupled with some

How do I control the smoke from a chimney starter?

I'm seasoning my new Weber Smoky Mountain smoker according to the excellent instructions, given for free, on Amazon, by a 20x BBQ grand champion. (What an amazi

How hot do charcoal grills get?

As a college student, I am working with limited cooking equipment. There are several outdoor charcoal grills however, which students sometimes have cookouts on.

How to bake without an oven? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Is it possible to bake a cake without an oven? I'm a poor lady who can't afford an oven. I have pots here, charcoa

How to get stable and long lasting high temperatures in charcoal grill?

I have Weber one touch spherical grill (18.5") and trying to cook steaks with direct heat. I place steaks when grill thermometer shows 450-500F, but after 2 or

Do burgers cook better when close or far apart?

I was in a debate with a friend in regards to cooking burgers if they should be close together or far apart on a grill. I searched the site but did not find an

Is charcoal or the smoker at fault for low temperature smoking?

I recently received a charcoal smoker for my cake day. I attempted to smoke pork ribs, here are the steps I followed. Cured the smoker with 2 Lbs of charcoal.

What is the charcoal snake method and how does it work?

I've read in places about using something called the charcoal snake method for slow smoking in a kettle bbq. What is it and how does it even work? Here's an ex

Is wood a good alternative to charcoal for bbq fuel?

Instead of buying lump or briquette charcoal every time, can I just burn some birch and use that as the heat for my charcoal bbq?

Thin crust pizza on barbecue

I want to make a pizza on my charcoal barbecue. I saw a few videos from Weber, but none show how to get a thin crust. What is the secret to a thin crust pizza

Can I get 900F in a charcoal grill?

What is the secret to getting a charcoal grill very hot (900F)? Is it even possible? What is the highest temperature attainable in a charcoal grill and what typ

How to control temperature of a charcoal bbq

If my charcoal bbq is too hot and the chicken is turning stiff on the surface, can I close the top vents to cool down the barbecue? What is the best way of co

Small charcoal grill - raise fire grill?

Here's a typical small-cheap charcoal grill ... These are only about 20 dollars (the "Weber" branded items are popular). Regarding the lower wire grate that

Do foil packets on a charcoal grill get any flavor from the smoke?

I am planning on cooking steaks and vegetables in sealed foil packets on my charcoal grill and I just realized that foil can make a pretty good seal around the

rusty charcoal chimney starter, safe to use?

My charcoal chimney starter is covered in rust inside and out, is it still safe to use? The grill and grill grate are still rust free and new.

Charcoal grills

Every other year it seems like my charcoal/ash tray rusts and creates holes in it to where I can't put charcoal on it because of the rotted holes. Is there any

Charcoal grill not getting hot enough

I purchased a cheap kettle charcoal grill a few weeks ago, and I feel like it's not getting hot enough. I'm using a charcoal chimney which takes about 40 minute

Cleaning 'cement' from grill

I've been a bit lazy in the last couple of weeks and left some ash in my grill. I was cleaning it today and noticed a hard cement-like substance. I believe this

Do smokeless grills have an advantage over gas grills?

On my quest to balcony charcoal grilling, without bothering my neighbours, I have researched many solutions. I am now, pretty sure, that I can limit the smoke

Bottom of my charcoal grill keeps falling out

I got a small charcoal kettle grill from Craigslist recently. I can't seem to get the little dish on the botton that holds the charcoal(?) to stay attached to i