Category "lasagna"

How do I use no-boil lasagna noodles in a normal recipe?

How do I convert a normal lasagna recipe to use no-boil noodles? Do I need to add extra liquid or just make sure that the dish is covered really well?

Slow cooker lasagna

Can a lasagna be made in the slow cooker, or will that cause the pasta to become unpleasant?

Can you assemble lasagna one day, and then bake it about 24 hrs later?

I've always made it on the spot and cooked it then and there, but would like to make at home and take it to a large party the next day and cook it then - will i

What is the name of this eggplant dish that is similar to lasagna?

When I was at school I made an dish that was like a lasagna but replaced the pastry with Eggplant. It also had sliced bocconcini (I think) and was tomato based.

Can Fresh unboiled egg pasta be used for lasagna?

I want to make a lasagna quickly, and I don't want to be bothered with boiling the noodles OR going to the store. Would strips of freshly made pasta cook proper

Ingredients or techniques to a more solid lasagna

What are the crucial ingredients or cooking techniques to a more solid, or "brick" like lasagna? Most lasagna I've seen tends to get a bit sloppy in the pan as

What should I do with a just-baked lasanga?

I'm a complete cooking newbie. I just made a lasanga from a recipe - or something that looks like a lasanga. However, it will probably only be eaten 3-4 hours f

How to deal with "no precooking required" lasagne sheets?

I've always been a bit suspicious of "no-precooking-required" lasagne sheets. What are the benefits and detriments of these sheets? What would happen if you

How to layer a Lasagne

I have a made a number of meat lasagne's that taste great (IMHO) but I have always had a problem getting them to preserve that "layered" effect. When it is cook

What temperature would you heat frozen lasagna in the oven at?

We froze some leftover homemade lasagna and instead of reheating in the microwave we would like to use the oven. What is a good temperature and time for reheati

To freeze or not to freeze?

I made a lasagna today (Thursday) that will be served on Sunday evening. What will yield a fresher-tasting result: refrigerating or freezing? I know that lasagn

Basic process for making lasagna

I'm 16 and I'm making lasagna for my family tomorrow. I have got mince, onion, white sauce, red sauce, lasagna sheets, tinned chopped tomatoes, fresh tomatoes,

Should homemade lasagna be frozen cooked or uncooked?

My wife and I are prepping some meals ahead of time before Baby #2 arrives early next month. She just made 3 small lasagnas (8"x8" pans) this afternoon and we

Using Soy Meat in Lasagna

I made some vegan lasagna today, despite initial doubts it turned out pretty good. However the soy meat I used was a bit tasteless. I am not expecting it to ta

I'm tweaking a Lasagna Bolognese

I'm using fresh pasta sheets (boiled al dente), a very slow simmered Bolognese, a whole milk ricotta mixture with a fair amount of spinach, basil, egg and Parme

Turning regular noodles into no-boil noodles

I've been told by other that you don't need to boil the noodles for lasagna before you assemble and bake it. They claim that you can just lay them out on the pa

how long should I reheat frozen lasagna?

I made lasagna in a deep dark roasting pan and froze it. Now I am going to have to reheat it. How long in the oven?

What can I use as a replacement for ricotta or cottage cheese in a lasagna?

I really cannot take the texture of ricotta or cottage cheese in food, to the point where I will gag when it is in my mouth. However, most of the recipes I ha

Pasticcio vs Lasagna

What's the main difference between this two dishes, Pasticcio and Lasagna? I think pasticcio has ham and I think both have béchamel sauce. They both nee

How should I store leftover uncooked lasagna sheets?

I bought a package of these Delverde "no-precooking" lasagna sheets and used half a dozen to make a lasagna. Now I've got nine sheets leftover—and I don't