Category "rice"

How should I prepare Risotto

I've been watching a lot of Hells Kitchen, and one of the signature dishes that Chef Ramsay has the chefs prepare is Risotto. This seems like a simple enough d

Proper ratio of Water to Rice

When making rice, what is the proper ratio of water that I should use?

Can I re-use rice if it has been used for blind baking?

I often use rice when blind baking... and then I throw it out which is obviously a waste. Am I able to keep the rice and either use it again for blind baking or

What's the best way to cook brown rice?

Apparently the ratio of water to rice for brown rice is 1.5:1. I simmered my rice for about half an hour with the lid on the pan and the rice was still hard and

Why do you have to rinse rice?

I'm interested in learning to make my own sushi. Every guide I have read has stressed that the rice has to be rinsed thoroughly. The bags of rice I generally

Arborio and Risotto

I ran out of regular rice the other day, and subbed in some arborio (the traditional risotto rice). I figured it would serve well enough, since it's a tough var

What's the best way to store unused sushi rice?

Let's say, I only want to make 1 sushi roll right now. Is there a good way to store the rest of the rice for tomorrow's rolls? And what about storing the nori

What is a suitable Low carb rice alternative?

For the first time since i started dieting, I'm making a stir fry dish for dinner. Usually, I include white rice with the finished product to absorb some of the

Stir fry rice clumps

I love stir fried rice but can't get close to restaurant quality. Mine seems to clump or turn almost gummy. What can I do to improve the texture?

What is the proper way to cool sushi rice after cooking?

I've heard a couple of suggestions for cooling the rice prior to making rolls and both seem to contradict each other. What works for you guys (and gals)? What

How to adjust for humidity when making rice?

Years ago, I ate at Sushi Yasuda in New York. After I went, I was reading up on the chef, and an article about him mentioned that he accounted for air humidity

Vinegar Alternatives and rice combinations in making sushi rice

What are some of the alternatives in vinegar for making sushi rice? I know it's best to use rice vinegar, but has anyone ever tried it with white wine vinegar,

What is the ingredient that makes a Spanish paella so particular?

I have eaten paella in Spain; I then ate it in Italy, but it didn't taste like the one in Spain. What is the ingredient that makes the Spanish paella so partic

What's the purpose of a parchment lid?

I'm making some saffron rice. After sautéing some onions and saffron and then toasting the rice, it calls for simmering with broth for 8 minutes with a p

How Long Can I Keep Uncooked Sushi Rice?

I only prepare sushi rice a few times a year, so it takes me a while to go through even the smallest of bags. How long can I keep the bag for before it "goes b

Make crispy rice noodles without frying

Everywhere I've read about cooking puffed rice noodles says that the soaked noodles need to be fried. I need a less messy alternative to frying. Is there a way

How can I make Chinese Fried Rice like they do on the East Coast?

I've been living in California for about 14 years and really miss the Chinese fried rice I would get at Chinese restaurants on the East Coast (Boston in specifi

Why add salt to the water when cooking rice?

Given the great answer to the question on adding salt to water when cooking pasta, I am curious whether the same explanation holds for rice as it does for pasta

What are the benefits of using a dedicated rice cooker, rather than just cooking rice in a pot?

For which reasons should I use a dedicated rice cooker, instead of cooking rice in a pot?

What kind of rice is used for Jamaican rice and peas?

I'm about to make Jamaican rice and peas, and I'm not quite sure if I want a long, medium, or short grain rice. What is traditional in the islands?