Category "seitan"

Why did my oil-only seitan fail?

I tried to make seitan last night using oil and gluten, and after it was done it had a grainy consistency and didn't hold together at all. Is there some sort of

How can I make my seitan a bit firmer?

I tried my hand at making homemade seitan the other night, and it was pretty good - my only complaint was that it wasn't as firm as I would have liked it to be.

What method for advance prep of seitan prevents deterioration of texture and preserves flavor while protecting from spoilage?

Tonight, I am hoping to cook up three to four loaves of seitan for final prep three days from now. My intent is to form the dough, simmer in stock or steam, and

How to keep baked seitan from being too tough?

I've been trying to make seitan at home more often and have a great slow cooker version that has won me over, but no matter how hard I try, every time I bake it

How would I go about recreating beef/hamburger taste/umami, strictly vegan?

I've begun to experiment with creating the perfect vegan hamburger. Hamburgers was something I held very dear before I stopped eating meat and I haven't been ab

How do I make tasty seitan in a pressure cooker?

Today I made my first seitan. I mixed gluten some spices and herbs with cold water and kneaded a bit, then boiled in broth for 40 minutes; I failed to leave it

My seitan is horrible

I have no trouble preparing the seitan dough, or at least, that is what troubles me the least and can be fixed easily. However, I can't get the texture right. I

Make seitan "fattier"

Any idea how to incorporate more fat into seitan? With the purpose to bind flavor for richer and more complex taste, similar to beef.

How to achieve more solid consistency when preparing seitan from wheat flour?

I'm making my own seitan from wheat flour, rather than using vital wheat gluten. I usually do about 4-5 washing steps when preparing my seitan. It is good, but

What is the diference between a quinoa burger, a quorn burger, and a soya burger?

I would like to know, what is the difference between a quinoa burger, a quorn burger, and a soya burger? Are their ingredients all different, or are some of the

Make homemade seitan taste like commercial

There are some wonderful brands of commercial seitan. One that I particularly love it Ray's Wheat Meat, which has the consistency of pulled chicken and a savory

How to make round Seitan sausages

I'm steaming my seitan (after I wrap it in foil), but it's hard to get it in perfectly round sausage shape. On the other hand, the seitan sausages I buy in stor

How do I make prepared seitan (gluten) more tender?

The 'chicken' Twinkie-sized logs from Chinese grocer are roughly the texture of firm silicone. I sliced them thinly and braised for 1 hour. Not noticeably soft

Making homemade seitan for stew recipe, do I need to cook the seitan first, then cool it, then use it?

There are several homemade seitan recipes available, and all call for boiling the seitan in some kind of broth for a bit, then letting it cool. I'm making seita

Seasoning advice for seitan to replicate gyro meat

I am looking for a seasoning recipe to flavor seitan so that it tastes like gyro. I have tried products on the market but all have been disappointing. The most

Can I build a fond with seitan?

I plan to adapt a chili recipe into a vegetarian one, and I plan to use seitan to get a bit of the umami flavor that the beef usually brings in the chili. How

Why is my muslin (cheesecloth) sticking to my seitan?

Why is my muslin (cheesecloth) sticking to my seitan? I've cooked it in broth for two hours (flipping once), and now I'm trying to remove the cheesecloth, but i

Plant-based lamb?

How could plant-based lamb be made? I'm looking not only to imitate the flavor* but also the texture of slow-cooked lamb. *cf. "How can I imitate the flavor of

Internal Temperature for Seitan?

Bread recipes cite 190F-200F as internal temperatures, presumably for the gluten but what about Seitan? Recipes are all over the place on methods and cooking ti

How can I make seitan sausages from a homemade seitan block?

So far I have made washed flour seitan blocks from wheat flour and seitan sausages from a seitan flour and chickpeas mixture. I would like to use my homemade se