Category "pepper"

Pepper spice varieties

How many varieties of edible pepper spice there are? I know white, black, green and pink pepper, but I'm sure that around the world there are many more varietie

How to make the pasta in this TV show (Anthony Bourdain in Rome)?

I'm talking about the one served on a parmesan crust bowl, but that's not all. Besides the parmesan bowl (they only showed the chef melting grated parmesan and

White pepper vs. black pepper

Other than color, what is the difference between white pepper and black pepper? I thought it was purely a color thing so that black pepper wouldn't ruin the col

Can you substitute capers for green peppercorn?

Can you substitute capers for green peppercorn? I'm making a sauce for a roast.

In a recipe, how much is "to taste"?

A lot of recipes I've been preparing lately often list salt and black pepper as "to taste" in terms of quantity. I get that the general idea is to make the food

Why whole peppercorns?

Some recipes call for whole peppercorns. Why not crack them and use a lot less? In a cooking show I watched recently the host specifically said "Do not crack or

How can I handle black pepper without sneezing?

Every time I am using black pepper, no matter how little, no matter how I turn my head to avoid sneezing, it still triggers it. I have to run from the work are

How can I use white pepper without having the odor dominate the food flavour?

I received several different pepper (spice) for christmas. One of them is a white pepper. Whenever I use (very) little of this white pepper in my dishes, the od

Substitute Cayenne Pepper for Black Pepper

My recipe calls for Black Pepper. I have Cayenne Pepper. What ratio should I use to substitute to get approximatively the same "heat"? I realize that the res

Why put pepper on a dish before cooking?

(Almost?) every good recipe for searing/grilling steaks advises to season the steak with salt and pepper before cooking it. However, I’m reasonably sure

Why are salt and pepper the "classic" dinner table seasoning?

Is there a reason we use salt and pepper on so many dishes and they can be found in any kitchen table at dinner time? Does it have to do with their flavor syner

How can I spice up ground beef without using pepper?

I cooked up some good-quality minced beef yesterday with salt, onion, and breadcrumbs. (I wrapped it around hardboiled eggs and baked it.) I didn't use any pep

Why salt AND pepper and not salt and/or pepper

Which is to say--narrowing things down--do the two actually have any mutual enhancement effect, such as, say, in the manner in which salt can fool the tastebuds

Pepper mill - which color and length?

I've decided to get myself a pepper mill and it'll be a manual Zassenhaus but I'm not sure about the length and color. I'm thinking about 18 or 24 cm but I gues

How many peppercorns to a 2 litre Beef Casserole? [closed]

In slow cooking I would like to know the amount of peppercorns to add to a meat stew or casserole please, I don't like it too peppery.

Too much pepper in soup: any way to fix?

I added too much ground black pepper to my soup (was actually following a recipe for once, while I usually season to taste) - is there any way to rectify this o

How does pepper enhance/increase the saltiness of a dish?

I have found that after adding ground pepper (any type, color, or heat level), some dishes seem to be saltier. This sometimes occurs with other spices, as well.

What is the best way to find a reliable pepper mill?

After someone posted a link to a hand-turned coffee grinder, I was reminded that I needed to replace my pepper mill. My third one in about seven years. After r

Au poivre without green pepper, is it good?

So I am trying to learn different recipes. One I'd like to do soon is the steak au poivre, it's a quite simple one but all the recipes I found say you need gree

Is there a way to experience pepper's endorphins effects without the burning sensation?

When preparing dinner, my friend and I sometimes argue over the amount of pepper. It is often ‘too hot’ for him while I enjoy the heat effects (endo