Category "ratio"

How much foreign substance can I add to processed cheese?

Recently, I decided to make myself a soup with a new kind of cheese nockerln. For the nockerln, I wanted to make nut-mushroom cheese. I used roughly equal amo

What is the thickening power of different types of roux?

I often take the easy way out and work with white roux, usually mixing it 1:10 for a sauce, and using the warm liquid into hot roux method. Tonight I needed a m

How much rice should I cook per person?

I would like to know how much rice I should cook per person. Preferably in some "fast" measurements - like cups, spoons, etc. It would also be nice to know how

Yellow Hot Dog Relish

I can not find my favourite hot dog relish sauce recipe but it included cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, and onions. I know it had tumeric as it was yellow but I am

For equal volumes water and sugar, what is the ratio of separated volume vs. combined?

I'm making a simple syrup with equal parts sugar and water in a glass measuring cup and want to avoid dirtying two measuring cups. I want to measure one (say

Ratios in traditional Thai peanut curry recipes

I tried to make a Thai peanut curry and used a highly rated recipe: I have no experience making Thai food and have only eaten it in restaurants. It did occur t

Is Consumer Reports really correct about 6 parts water to 1 part rice?

There's been a number of news reports recently about possible high concentrations of inorganic arsenic in rice. I heard that Consumer Reports says to cook 1 par

How much acid to use for stabilizing meringue?

After reading up on the proper books, I started adding some acid when beating meringues. At home, I use cream of tartar, but when I am baking at somebody else's

How much sugar and corn starch is in commercial icing sugar?

If anyone knows about the percentages of sugar & corn starch to make icing sugar for commercial purposes, please let me know. How important is it for these

How important are eggs for a muffin recipe?

I have not actually read Michael Ruhlman's Ratio. I know that he describes a basic muffin as 2:2:1:1 of flour, liquid, egg and fat. Prior to discovering Ratio

'Sweet milk' substitute in an old recipe

I have an old pancake recipe (circa 1930) that I would like to try. However it includes as an ingredient "sweet milk." Having never seen such a thing in stores.

What is the correct conversion of dried whole vs. ground fennel?

I have a recipe that calls for one tablespoon of ground fennel. I only have dried fennel seed. What amount of dried seed should I use?

Wouldn't this cake batter be too runny? Would the coffee affect the texture?

I came across What purpose does coffee serve in a chocolate cake recipe? as a similar question to one I'd just asked about baking. Looking at the recipe she p

Equivalent of dried (ground) pepper when the recipe calls for crushed

This question is in relation to my earlier question Recipe calls for Aleppo Peppers, I need the right substitution amounts for cayenne and paprika that I got an

Sauerkraut/sourkraut - ratio of grams of salt to grams of raw cabbage?

Yes, obviously it can vary. I'm just looking for an approximate range, as a good place to start for my first time making a batch. A good answer would be someth

What is a good ratio (range) of nut flour in Mandelkipferl dough?

I want to make Mandelkipferl and similar cookies. For Vanillekipferl, I tend to use a 3:2:1 ratio of flour:butter:sugar, without an egg. Is there a traditional

I am attempting to preserve the shelf life of ice tea up to six months with citric acid, I need a perfected ratio?

I am attempting to preserve the shelf life of ice tea up to six months with citric acid, I need a perfected ratio? I have tried several ratio, but still end u

Ratio of liquid/glucomannan/xanthan gum for flan or Walden Farms dip

I'm hoping someone can offer suggestions for what a good ratio of glucomannan and xanthan gum per volume liquid to thicken a flavored liquid(water consistency w

Effect of xanthan gum on agar agar gels?

I just recently got into using agar agar to prepare solidified gels, and I'm wondering what effect adding xanthan gum to the mixture before gelling it would hav

Is there a basic ratio for dill pickle brine which will be safe for any vegetable?

I'm looking for a bare-bones dill pickle brine recipe (for safe canning, and long-term storage—not for refrigerator pickles). When I look online, I see al