Category "carrots"

Why is carrot juice so sweet?

Certain brands of carrot juice taste sweeter than any raw carrot I've ever eaten, yet are made only with carrots, with no added sweeteners. Are carrots sold in

Can you freeze mirepoix?

Can I chop up and freeze mirepoix raw, or do the vegetables have to be blanched first? Thanks!

Are there culinary applications for carrot tops/greens?

The family members who taught me to cook have always tossed carrot tops/greens into the compost pile or the trash (and my regular grocery store carries carrots

Why do we peel carrots?

So I was sitting there, looking down at my counter, realizing that I probably had a good carrot or two of shavings just going to waste. (well, I'll compost it,

What makes carrot bits turn green in carrot pineapple bread? (And are they safe?)

Sometimes, a couple of days after its cooked, the carrot bits inside a carrot pineapple bread turn green. Normally, I'd assume that a food that doesn't start g

What is the best approach to cut carrot into thin strips?

So I went to Subway™ and saw that their carrots are cut into thin strips. I can never do this with any knives. So what is the best way to cut carrots into

Carrot Pie: custard or stew?

So I have a plan to experiment with making a carrot pie. I can think of two approaches to this. One would be to create a custard. Carrots aren't very starchy,

How to spice up a carrot cake

I have made a carrot cake several times, and I like the way the cake turns out but I want it to have more spice flavors. The recipe only calls for 1 tsp of cinn

What is the best way to store carrots?

The carrots that I buy come in a sealed plastic bag. In the store they are not refrigerated. I've tried keeping them in the bag in the place where I keep things

What can be done with bitter carrots?

I've got a bunch of two week old carrots (kept in the fridge), peeled, and they tasted bitter (raw). Is it normal that carrots turn bitter? Is there a way to

Did I blanch baby-cut carrots correctly?

The Cook's Illustrated How-to-Cook Library suggests blanching 3/4 lb baby carrots for crudités in boiling salted water until bright orange, about 15 s. I

Made a ginger carrot soup with coconut milk but accidentally made it too salty, how do i fix it?

I made a ginger carrot soup with coconut milk but accidentally made it too salty, how do i fix it? From some google searches - one said to put raw potatoes to

Carrot soup and avoiding the use of a blender?

Most recipes for carrot soup I encounter require a final stage of blending/whizzing to get the creamy texture. Eg: recipe1 recipe2 recipe3 Can the blender/w

Can I use flour to make a carrot soup more thick?

I made a carrot soup without the use of a blender as described in previous question link. Which was to chop the carrots and onions really small. The problem is

Replacing cream and butter in a carrot casserole/pie

Casserole from pureed carrot (it may be a "pie" rather than a "casserole" though - my footing in Anglo cooking terms isn't very strong, feel free to edit) is a

how to ensure carrot pieces stay longer in the refrigerator?

I blanched a big carrot and cut them into pieces and stored them in a airtight container in the refrigerator. I ate them for about 5 days - one piece out of the

How can I make carrot cake more fruity and fresh?

I am planning to create a carrot cake that should be a bit different from what people usually think of when they think of carrot cake. Please note: This is not

At what point should carrots be thrown away?

We tend to buy a big bag of carrots from the supermarket (mainly because it's cheaper than a small bag), but usually these are starting to go soft halfway throu

How can I make my carrot cake taste more carroty

I have used organic carrots finely grated and increased the quantity of carrots used, but still can't taste the carrot

When should you sweat mirepoix, and when should you sauté it?

The ingredients of mirepoix are consistently described as onion, carrot and celery in a 2:1:1 ratio, but there isn't much consistency advice on how to cook it.