Category "hummus"

Is there a substitute for tahini in hummus?

If I don't have tahini is there anything similar to use to make hummus?

Is it possible to create good hummus without a food processor?

I don't own a food processor and because I don't have much storage in my apartment, I'm not entirely interested in purchasing one right now. Is it possible to

Roasted chickpeas for houmous?

I accidentally bought roasted, salted chickpeas (I've never heard of this - why would anyone want that?) instead of normal, dried chickpeas. To be clear, these

How can I make lemon and chilli liquid to have with hummus?

A few weeks ago I had hummus at the famous Abu-Hassan/Ali-Caravan place in Jaffa, Tel Aviv. When you order hummus there you also get a small bowl of lemony chil

Why did my hummus go bad?

I make hummus about once a week, and make it essentially the same way each time. This week, my hummus tasted as it usually does immediately after I made it. How

How to reduce the taste of horseradish in hummus?

I followed The Pec Shef's hummus recipe and I am getting a strong horseradish after-taste in my hummus. I only used 6 cans of chickpeas instead of 8, and a 9.25

How does one peel and puree chick peas with a food mill for hummus? [duplicate]

Hating having to peel each individual garbanzo bean/chick pea by hand to make hummus, I read online that a food mill will press out the "meat"

Keeping the taste consistent in hummus after initial cooking

I make hummus a lot and love the taste. My recipe is pretty refined now - it could probably go commercial. There's one problem though: the taste degrades subst

citric acid usage for packaged hummus

We are trying to come up with a hummus product which will have a shelf life of at least one month. We will cook the chickpeas first then add all the other ingre

Is hummus a condiment

Is hummus a condiment? What makes a condiment a condiment? What makes something not a condiment? What makes something a condiment vs a sauce/seasoning/spread/in

Do you peel garbanzo beans for hummus?

If using garbanzo beans to make hummus, should you peel them beforehand?

Israeli restaurant-style falafel and hummus, how do to make? [closed]

How is authentic Israeli restaurant-style falafel and hummus made? Is there any secret? Thanks in advance!

How to make Hummus that doesn't have a hardened layer?

When hummus has stood outside for some time, a harder layer on top forms. Can this be avoided?

Can a masticating juicer make good hummus?

Many masticating juicers are sold with the claim that they can also make nut butters. Seeing that chickpeas are easier to crush than roasted nuts, I wondered if

Is it possible to can hummus?

The question was prompted by running out of suitable sized plastic boxes for some home-made hummus, so I used a couple of old jam jars. This was for freezing,

How is Channa Dal processed from Chickpea? Does it have any difference?

I made hummus from dried chickpea and I removed the skin manually after boiling it. It was a tedious process. Thats when I thought of Channa Dal or split chick

Instant Hummus Pre-cooking without Dehydrating

I would like to prepare my own instant hummus (dried, only add water) for backpacking. A commercial product is available, but I would prefer to start from scrat

How to avoid/overcome seized tahini

I’m reading a recipe for hummus online: throw in chickpeas, tahini, garlic, lemon, cilantro, salt and jalapeño. Process to a paste. The. Add water

Stop Hummus from darkening

I want to use hummus in a catering product, but I noticed it changes colors when left out for too long. The problem is that it needs to look appealing for a few