Category "scrambled-eggs"

Why use milk in scrambled eggs?

I've seen many recipes for scrambled eggs with and without milk / cream / half and half So what does the milk do? The only difference I can see is color - wit

How to do English breakfast at home

I have been a week in London and I enjoyed the English breakfast: scrambled egg, bacon, sausage, toasted bread, warm tomato (I skipped the beans as I shouldn't

omelettes and scrambled eggs - How long can I store them?

Is it a good idea to keep make a lot of them and keep them in the refrigerator? I like them for breakfast but I don't like cooking every morning. For how long I

What qualities should one look for when choosing Egg cooking gear?

Stainless Steel seems to be all the rage in cooking stores these days, yet frying eggs on one leads to an extremely messy cleanup situation, assuming you can ge

What can I do to make beaten egg puffier and fluffier?

The way I cook an egg is like this. I take the egg, crack it in a bowl, pierce the yolk, then whisk it a bit. Then I add a bit of soy sauce, and fry it in a pan

Gravy with Scrambled Eggs :: What went wrong?

OK, I love scrambled eggs but I wanted a variant which isn't completely dry so here is what I did: I got some instant (add hot water) type gravy packets which w

Bisquick breakfast casserole with cooked eggs

I have a breakfast mixture leftover from making breakfast burritos the other day. It has cooked scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, onion & peppers. I cooked it

How to clean scrambled eggs from a pan?

As an example, I made eggs using Gordon Ramsay's Perfect Scrambled Eggs, at the end the pan ends up having a layer of eggs attached to the bottom and sides that

Prevent scrambled eggs from sticking to stainless steel

I'm having the hardest time preventing scrambled eggs from sticking to stainless steel cookware. I've tried bringing the eggs to room temperature before cooking

Does adding salt before cooking toughen scrambled eggs?

I have been told by two different cooks who's opinions I trust that adding salt to a beaten egg mixture before cooking will dry out and/or toughen the eggs, but

What is the purpose of adding oil when cooking scrambled eggs on non-stick pan?

Today I had… hard conversation with my girlfriend whether to use or not oil (semi refined sunflower) when cooking scrambled eggs on a non-stick pan. My

Keeping scrambled eggs with tomatoes from being too watery

When cooking scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I find that the longer the tomatoes cook with the eggs, the a. more they decompose, b. the more water the put into th

Can you put whole eggs in a blender?

So, a bit of an odd question, but it's been bugging me for a while; could you put whole eggs (shell and all) into a blender if you're making something like scra

Science of fast (high heat) vs. slow (low heat) scrambled eggs and omelets

There seems to be a lot of disagreement about cooking "light" (as in texture) scrambled eggs, which would seem to be one of the simplest of foods. (To be clear

Cannot find very simple Egg Scrambler

I used to have a very simple egg scrambler, metal, a kind of flexible wire spiral with a handle. As you beat with it, the flexible spiral would somewhat amplif

Cooking eggs on cast iron

When making scrambled eggs in my cast iron skillet, I find the eggs look "grimey" after they are cooked like the seasoning is coming off. Am I not cleaning the

How can I ensure that scrambled eggs will be fully cooked?

I have some sort of digestive intolerance towards eggs that are not fully cooked, although I can handle some softness in egg yolks. In the case of fried or boil

Cracked Eggs & Safety

I bought some fresh eggs the other day which don't expire until next month. They've remained in the fridge in their carton. I just realised that a few of the e

Scrambled eggs for a buffet

At our cafe we will begin offering a Saturday brunch buffet. I would like to do scrambled eggs and am thinking that they would be best cooked in a hotel pan in

How to make my scrambled eggs more yellow?

I make a very simple scrambled eggs combining two eggs with a knife of cream cheese. Sometimes I've had this and it has been a warm yellow colour. Other times